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I irea. XIII. Of Sant? zcatiotr. 27! is praying in Chrift, Eph. iii. 12. and by the Holy Ghoft, theSpirit of adoption, Rom. viii. 15. Gal iv. 6. Without this, prayer is lifelefs and heartlefs, and but a dead carcafe, Rom. x. 14. Pfal. lxxvii. r, 2. By this you may judge whether youhave pray- ed rightly, more than by your melting of eetion, or largenefs in expreffion. Though you be not affured that you (hall have everything that you alk, yet every thing that is good. This faith you muft endeavour to aEt ; and therefore, if any fin lie on your confci- ence, youmutt ftrive frrft toget the pardonofit, Pfai.. xxxii. r, 5. and li. 14, i5. and purification from it by, faith, that you may lift up holy hands without wrath and doubting, i Tim. ii. 8. The fin of wrath . there is efpecially mentioned, besaufe that is contra- ry to love, and forgiving others. Here lies the ftrength, life and powerfulnefs of prayer. Set faith on work, and you will be powerful, and prevail. (Sc,) You muff ftrive, in prayer, to ftir up, and aft every other fariaifyin.g grace, through faith mov- ing you thereto. 'Thus your fpikenards will yield theirfinell; as godly forrow, Piani xxxviii. 18. peace,.. Ifa. xxvii. 5. joy, Pfahn cv. 3. hope, Pfalm lxxi. 5. defire and love to God, Pfalm iv. 6. and love to all his commands, Pfalm cxix. 4, S and to all his peo- ple out of love to him, Pfalm cxxii 8 you muff feek the Spirit himfelf, in the firít place, Luke xi. 13. Pfal. xxxvii. 5. and all fpiritual things, Matth. vi. 33 >. Praying only for carnal things, (hews a carnal heart, and leaves it carnal, Pray for faith, Mark ix. 24e and for fuch things as may ferve molt for the glori- fying God, z Chron. i. i t, 12. and, for outward things, you muff a&t faith in fubmiffion to his will. And thisprayer Pets- you in a holyframe, Matth. xxvi. 52. Luke xxii. 42, 43. Hallowing God's name muft be your aim, Mat. vi. y, not your 'nth, James iv. 3. (6.) Strive to bring your foul into order by this duty, however difordered by guilt, anguifh, inordi- nate cares, or fears, Pfaim xxxii. I, 5. 1v. 16, I.71