2S4 nht Çofpet-Myffcry Bret . XIII. the weaker parts of the body, i Cor. xii. 23, 24. but put mure honour and comelinefs on them. Admit. Pion into the churches in the apoffolic ternes` wasgain- ed upon profeflion, with a thew of feriöufnefs;'tho' tares got in among the wheat, and many fcandals a- rofe to the reproach of the ways of Chriff ; and the greateftftrhfìnefsWill not keep outall hypocrites; yet the belt care mull be taken fo far as not tohinder any that 'have the leaff truth of'grace. 4. Keep communion with a Church, for the fake of con mtinion With Chrift, i John i. 3. Zeclt viii. 23. Therefore you muff keepcommunion in Chrift's pure ways only, and, in them, feek him by faith; that, in the enjoyment of thofe advantages you may receive and as the'godlinefs and holinefs foremen- tione,1, and aim at fpiritual flourifhing and growth in gr',ce Chufe therefore fellowfhip with the mof fpiritual churches.' judge of churches and men, ac= cording to the rule of the new creature, 2 Cor. y. i 6, t 7 and try them, Rev. ii, a`. and iii. 9.` other- wife a church'may corrupt you. See that thy com- munion anfwer its end, tend to thy edification, not to déffru6 ton ; which you ought to take all the ad vantages of, not`only in the church where you are a member, but by communion With other` churches, as occafonallyprovidence cafl:s you 'among them; for your communion with a particular church oblig- eth to"communion 'with á1l churches' of Chrift in his Ways, as you'are called thereto, i Cor. X. 27. And it is an' abufe to fay, `We' are 'members of a church in London;' and therefore refute fellowfhip with church in the country ; feeing, if we are members of Chriff, we are members of one another,' whether tingle perfons or churches. ` And endeavour to join in fellowfhip with the godly of the place where you live, that you may have the more frequent and con= Rant communion. Onefmus,` thòugh converted at Rome, muftbeone of the churchofthe Coloflians, be- caiufe he lived there, Col. iv. 9. compared with Phi-