Marshall - BT765 M37 1788

Direa. XIV. Of Sant cation. 2$5. lemon verfe to. The union of the faints together in di ffant focieties, according to the places where they lived, was the apoftolic praftice, and cannot be vio- latedwithout fin. Such can beft watchover,admonith, comfort, and edify each other ; which is the benefit of communion. And they indeed deffroy com- munion, . that reek it where they cannot have this benefit. I only add to this head, that church fellowfhip, without práfifing the ways of Chrift, is but a confpiracy to take his name invain, and a coun- terfeit church fellowfhip of hypocrites. It is impu- dente for fuck to invite others to their communion . tyranny, to compel them. Every Chriítian is bound to Peek a better church fellowship by reformation ; and thofe that do fo, are the belt fons of Chritt's church, who inquire, Is this the way to enjoyChrift á church-way being appointed to enjoy him therein. s. Efpecially leave not the church in pexfecution, when You need its help aloft, and are theta mot$ tried whether you will cleave to it. This is a fign of apo- Racy, Heb. x. 25, 26. Matth. xxiv. 9, ró, 12, 13, 14. We thould cleave to one, another as one flefh, even to prifons and death ; or elfe we deny Chrift in his members, Matth. xxv. 13. DIRECTION XIV. chat you mayfeekHolinefs and righteorfn f , only by believing in Chrift, and walking in him by Faith, according to theformer Dirac-lions, take Encouragement from the great Advantages of this Way, and the excellent Properties of it. EXPL,ICATJON. THISdirection may ferveas an epilogue or con- cluiion, by !Erring us up unto a lively and chearful embracing thofegofpel rules forernentioned,