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286 The Gofpel-Myflery I3ircff. XIV. by feveral weighty motives. Many are kept from feeking godlinefs, becaufe they know not the way to it; or the way that they think of, feems uncouth, unpleafant, difadvantageous, and full of difcourage- ment; like the way thin' the wildernefs to Canaan, which wearied the Ifraelites, and occafioned their many murmurings, Numb. xxi. 4. But this is a way fo good and excellent, that thofe who have the true knowledge of it, and defire hear- tily tobe godly, cannot diflike it. I fhall Phew the excellency of it, in feveral particulars. But you fhould jirff call to mind what is the way I have taught, viz. union and fe!lowtlìipwith thrift,and by faith in him, as difcovered in the gofpel; not by the law, or in a natural condition, or by thinking to get it before we come to Chrift, to procure him by it, which is ftriv- ihng againft the ftream: but that we mutt firlt apply him and his falvation to ourfelves, for our comfort, and that by confident faith; and then walk by that faith, according to the new man, in Chrift, and not as in a natural condition; and ufe all means of holi- nefs rightly for this end. Now, that this is an ex- cellent, advantageous way appears by the following defireable properties of it. It hath this property, that it tends to the abafe- ment of all fleih, and exaltation. of God only in his grace and power thro' Chrift. And fo it is agreeable to God's defign in all his works, and the end that he aimeth at, Rom xi. 6. Ifa. ii 17. Ezek xxxvi. 21, 22, 23, 31, 32. Pfalín cxlv. 4. and a fit means for tie attaining the end that we ought to aim at in the (aft place, which is the hallowing, fanuifying and glorifying God's name in all things; and is the firft and chief petition, Matth. vi. 9 and is the end of all our acing, i Cor. x. 31. was the end of giving the law, Rom. iii. ig, zo. God made all things for Chrift, and would have him have the pre-eminence in all, Col. i. i7, 18. that the Father may be glorified in the Son, John xrv. 13. And this property of it is a.