283 lie Gofpel.l?Ì,!let-y D:rea. XIV perly, who work all our works in Us and for us and yet they are the faints works by fellowfhip with him, by whofe light and power the faculties of the faints doaa, and are acted, Gal. íi. 20. Eph. iii. ro,. 17, Col. i. r. fo that we are to afcribe all our works to God in Chrift, and thank him for them as free gifts, i Cor. xv. roe r r. God enableth us to aa, not by ourfelves, as he doth others, but by hire. felf. The wicked are fupported in afting only acs" cording to their own nature;, fo they aa wickedly; Thus all arse Paid to live, move, and have their being in God, Aets xvii. 27. But God enableth us to con- quer fin, not by ourfelves, but by himfelf, Hof. is 7. and the glory of enabling us doth not onlybelong to hire, which the Pharifee could not but afcribe to him, Luke xviii. r I. But alfo the glory of doing all . in us. And yet we work as one with Chrift, even as he works as one with the Father, by the Father working in him. We live as branches by the juice of the vine, aa as members by the anim=al. fpirits of the head, and bring forth fruit by marriage to him as our hufband, and work in the ftrength of him as the living bread that we feed on. He is all in the new man, Col. iii. r r . and all the prornifes are made good in him, 2 Cor. í. 20. 2dly, It bath this property, that it conf lleth well with other doctrines of the gofpel ; which contrary errors do not. And hence this is the way to confirm us in many other points of the gofpel; and therefore appears to be true by its harmony with other truths, and fit linking with them in the fame golden chain of the myftery`of godlinefs; and evidcnceth them to be true by their harmony with it. I have {grew- ed, that mens miflaking tb.e true way of fancti- fication, is the caufe of perverting the fcriptures in other points of faith, and of declining from the truth, to Popifh, Socinian, and Arminian tenets: be- caufe mencannot ferioufly take that for truth, which they judge not to be according to godlinefs. But