Marshall - BT765 M37 1788

IJirea. XIV, Of Sancîi rcation, 289 this way of holinefs will evidence, that thofe gofpe.l- doarines which they refufe, are according to god - linefs ; and that thofe tenets which a blind zeal for holinefs moveth them toembrace, are indeed contra- ry to holinefs; however Satan appeareth to their na. turai underftandings as an angel of light in fuch te- nets. Whatever men fay, it is certain that legalists are indeed the Antinomians, I fhall inftance in fume truths confirmed by it. a. The doEtrine of original fin, viz. not only the guilt of Adam's fin, and a corrupt nature, but utter impotency to do fpirirual good, and pronenefs to fin, which is death to God, and all people according; to nature, Pfalm li. ,r. Rom. v. 12. There is an uta ter inability to keep the law truly in any point. Ma- ny deny this doctrine ; becaufe they think, that, if people believe this they will evcufe their fins by it, and be apt to defpair of all driving to do good works, and leave offall endeavours, and grow licentious ; and they think it will be more conducing to godli nefs to hold and teach, either that there is no origi- nal fin, or corruption derived from Adam, or at leaft, it is done away, either in the world, by ttniverfal re. demption, or, in the church, by baptifm : and that there is free-will reflored, whereby people are able to incline themfelves to do good, that men may be more encouraged to Pet up good works and their ne- glec`t made inexcufable. All this is indeed forcible againfi feeking and endeavouring for holinefs by the free-will and power of nature ; which is the way of endeavouring which I direéted you to avoid: ands, iftherewere nonewway to holinefs fnce the fall, origi- nal fin might make us defpair; but there is a new birth, a new heart, a new creature ; and therefore we have direaed you to the feeking cf holinefs, by the Spirit of Chrift, and willinggood freely by a fpi- ritual power, as new creatures partakers of a divine nature in him. Yea, it is necefi'ary to kiiow the lrft Adam that we may know the fecond, Rom/ IT 12 , U 0