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Dire&. XIV. Of Sannj fcaticn. 291 tiff with God's decree ; as in paradife, Decretum ra- dix coaztingenti e. 3. It confirms us in the true doarine of juffifica- tion and reconciliation with God by faith, relying on the merits of Chriff's blood, without any works of our own ; an& without confidering faith as a work to procure favour by the righteoufnefs of the act, but only as a hand to receive the gift, or as the very eating and drinking of Chrift actually, rather than any kind of condition intitling us tohim as our food. This great doctrine of the gofpel many hate, as breaking the ftrongeff bonds of holinefs, and operr- ing a way to all licentioufnefs, for they reckon that the conditionality of works to attain God's favour, and avoid his wrath, and the neceliity of them to fal- vafion, are the molt neceffary and efFectual impul- fives to all holinefs ; and they account that the other doctrine opens the flood gates to licentioufnefs. Ancl truly this confederation would be of tome weight, if people were to be brought to holinefs by moral per- fuafion, and their natural endeavours furred up by the teams of the law, and by ílavifh fears and merce- nary hopes ; for the force of thefe motives would be altogether enervated by the docEtrine of juftification by free grace. But I have already (hewed, that a man, being a guiltydead creature, cannot bebrought to ferve God out of love, by the force of any of thefe motives; and that we are not fanEtified by any of our own endeavours to work holinefs in ourfeìves, but rather by faith in Chrilì.'s death and refurreétion, even the fame whereby we are juftified, and that the urging of the law firsup fin; and that freedom from it is necefi ry to all holinefs, as the Apoftie teacheth, Rom. vi. i i, 14. and vii. 4, 5. And this way of fanEfification confirms the doEtrine of jhftificatiorr by faith, as the Apoftle informeth, Rom. viii. r. For, if we are fanaified, and fo reflored tó the image of God, and life, by the Spirit, through faith ; it is evident, that God hath taken us into his favour., and pardoned our fins, by the fame faith, without the 0 0 2