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292 The Gafpel-Mylery Dire!t. XIV. law ; or elfe we fhould not have the fruits and effects of his favour thereby to our eternal falvation, Rom. viii. 2. Yea, his juftice would not admit his giving life without works, if we were not made righteous in Chrift by the fame faith. And we cannot truft, to have holinefs freely given us by Chrift, upon any rational ground ; except we can alto truft on the fame Chrift for free reconciliation, and forgivenefs of fins for our juftification : neither can guilty curf- ed creatures, thit cannot work by reafon of their eleadnefs under the curie, be brought to a rational love of God, except they'apprehend his loving theft& firft freely, without works, i John iv. ip. The greát objet ion, and reafon of fo many controvert es and books written about it, is, becaufe they think, that men will truft to be Paved, however they live. But fanaification is an effeft of juftification, and flow eth from the fame grace; and we truft for them both by the fame faith, and for the latter in order to the former. And fuck a faith, be it ever fo confident, tendeth not to licentioüfnefs, but to holinefs, and we grant, that jollification by grace defiroys holinefs by legal endeavours, but not by grace. So that there is no need to live a Papift, and die an Antinomian. ç. It confirms us in the doa`trine ofreal union with Chrift, fo plentifully held forth in fcripture; which doctrine fore account avain notion, and cannot en- dure it; hecaufe they think it worketh not holinefs, but prefurnption : whereas I have (hewed, that it is abfoliitely necefraryfor the enjoyment of fpiritual life and holinefs, which is treafured up in Chrift ; and that foinfeparably, that we cannot have it without a real union with hint; 2 Cor. xiii. 5. r John v. 2. John vi. 53. and xv. 5., t Cor i. 30. Çol. iii. r r. The. members and branches cannot live without union with the vine and head, nor the (tones be part of the living temple, except they be really joined mediately or immediately to the corner=ftone.' 5. It confirms us in the do1ine of certain final peifeverance of the faints, John iii. 36. vi. 37. and