DireC:. XIV. Of SanEïrfcation. 293 V. 24. z John iii. 9. 1 ThefT. v. 24. Phil. i. 6. John x. 23, 29. and iv. 14. They think this dotrine rnaketh people carelefs of good works. I anfwer; it maketh people carelefs ofPeeking them by their own natural ttrength, and in a way of Aavith fear; but careful and courageous in fruiting on the grace of God for them, when they are brought by regenera. tion, heartily to d.elre them, Rom. vi. 14. Num. ;viii. 3o. fetting upon the doing of them in that grace, i Their. Y. 8.--n. And I have (hewed, that all fears Of damnation will never bring perlons to work out of love; and that nothing will do it but' a comforta- ble doE3rine. idly, It bath this excellent property, that it is the never failing, effe1ually powerful, alone fufficient, and lure way to attain to true holinefs. They that have the truth in them, find it; and the truly hum- bled find it. People ftrive in vain, when they reek it any other way ; therefore--venture with the lepers, tire you die, 2 Kings vii. Ira. iv. 2, 3, 7. All other ways either fair up fin, or increafe defpair in you; as reeking holinefs by the law, and working under the curie Both; and breeds but flavifh hypocritical obedi- ence at belt, and. retrains finonly, in lead of mortify- ing it, Gal. iv. 25. The Jews fought another way, and could not attain it, Rom. ix. And all that reek it another way (hall lie down in farrow, Ifaiah li. i i. And that (t ) 84caufe as we are under the law in our natural (late, we are dead, and children of wrath. Eph. ii. t. 3. and the law curfeth us inil cad of help- ing us, Gal iii. to. and giveth no life by its obliga. tion, Gal. iii. 21. And we cannot work holinefs in ourfelves, Rom. v. 6. So that an humbled perron finds it in vain, to reek holinefs by the law, or his own (trength; for the law is weak throughour fleeilt. Seeking a pure life without a pure natures is build, 'big without a foundation. And there is no Peeking a new nature from the law; for it bids us make brick without ftráw : and faith to the cripple, 'Walk, with cut giving any ftrength.