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Dire%. HIV. 294 The Gofpel.Myfiery (2.) In this way only isGód reconçiled to us, even in Chrift, 2 Cor. v. 19. kph. i. 7. And fo he loves us, and is a fit orjea of our love, i John iv. ig. And fo, in this way only, we have a new and divine nature by the Spirit of Chrift in us, effe ually car- - Tying us forth to holinefs with life and love, Rom. viii. 5. Gal. v. 17. 2 Pet. i. 3, 4. and have new hearts according to the law; fo that we ferve God heartilyaccording to the newnature, and cannot but ferve him, i John iii. g. So that here is a fure foun- dation for godlinef, , and love to God with all our heart, might and foul, and fin is not only reftrained hut mortified and not only the outfide made clean, but the infide, and the image of God renewed; and holy aaings furely follow. We fin not according to the old nature, the' we are not perfeE1 in degree, becaufe of the old nature. 4thly, It is a molt pliiafant way to thole that are in it, Prov. iii. 17. and that in feveral refpeIs. i. It is a molt plain way, eafy to be found, to one that teeth his ewn deadnefs under the law, and is fo renewed in the fpirit of his mind, as to know and be perfuaded of the truth of the gofpel. The' fuch -may be troubled and peílered with many legal thoughts and workings ; yet, when they ferioufly confider things, the way is fo plain, that they think it folly and madnefs to go any other way ; fo that the wayfaring men, though fools, fhall not err there- in, Ifa. xxxv. 8. Prov. viii. 9. The enlightened foul cannot think of another way, when truly humbled, Prov. i. 8. And when we are in Christ, we have his Spirit to be our guide in this way, t John ii. 27. John xvi. 13. So that-we need not be filled with fuch diftraCting thoughts, about knowledge of our way' as legal fpirits are about thoufands of cafes of" confcience, which do fo multiply upen them, that they defpair of finding out the way of religion, by reafon of fo various doubts, and manifold intricacies, Mere, we may be fune, that God will fo far teach its pur duties, as that we (hall not be milled with error,