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pirea. XIV. Of SetnE7 t caton. 295 fo as to continue in it to deilruc`lion, Pfal. txv. 8, 9. 14. What a trouble is it to a traveller to be doubtful of his way, and without a guide, when his bufinefs is of great importance, upon life and death ? it is e- ven a heart breaking. But thofe that are in this way, maybe fore, that though they fometimes err, yet they (hall not err deftru ±ively, but (hall difeern their way again, Gal. iv. 7, io. 2. It is eaf, to thofe that walk in it, by the Spirit; tho' it be difficult to get into it, by reafon of the op- pofition of the hefh or devil fearing us, or fedueing us from it. Mere you have holinefs as a free gift received by faith, an aci_of the mind and foul. Who- foever will, may come, take it, aad drink freely: and nothing is required but a willing mind, John vii. 38. Ifa. Iv. I. Rev. xxii. 17. But the law is an intole- rable burden, Mat. xxiii. 5. Ac`s xv. i o. if duty be laid on us by its terms. We are not left in this way to conquer lulls by our endeavours, which is a fuc- eefslefs work; but what is duty is given, and the law is turned into promu es, Heb. viii. Ezek. xxxi. 25, 26. Jer. xxxi._ 33. and xxxii. 4o. We have all now in Chriff, Col. iii. i t. and°ii. 9, io, i5, 17. This is a catholic medicine, infi.ead of a thoufand. How pleafant would this free gift, holinefs, be to us ifwe knewour ownwants, inabilities, andfinfulnefs? How readyareTome to toil continually, and macerate their bodies in a melancholy legal way, to get holi- nefs rather than peri(h for ever? And therefore how ready Ihould we be, when it is only, Take and have: Believe, and be fanaified and faved? 2 Kings v. 13. Chrift'sburden is light by his Spirit's bearing it,Mat. ix. 30. No wearinefs, but renewing of ftrength, Ifa. xl. 31. 3. It is a way ofpeace, Prove iii. 17. free from fears and terrors of confcience; that thofe meet with un- avoidably who Peek falvation by works ; for the law worketh wrath, Rem. iv. t5. It is not the way of mount Sinai, but of Jerufalern, Heb. xii. 18, 22. The doubts of falvation that people meet with, aril