The Cofpel- Mflery Dire .t. XIV. from putting fonecondition of warks betweenChrift and themfelves ; as bath appeared in this difcourfe But our walking in this way, -is by faith, which re- jeas fuck fears and doubtings, John xiv. I. Mark v. 36. Ileb. x. rg, '22. It is free from fears of Satan, or any evil, Rom. viii. 3r, 32. and free from flavifh fears of perifhing by our fins, r John ii. r, 2. Phil. iv. 6, 7. faith Iaying hold on infinite grace, mercy, and power, totfecure us ; the Lord is the keeper and íhade on the right hand, Pfalm cxxi. 5. Free and powerful grace anfwers all objeEtions. 4. It is a way that is paved with love, like Solo- mon's chariot, Song iii. 16. We are to fet God's lov- ing kindnefs and all. the gifts of his love flip before our eyes, Pfalm xxvi. z. Chrift's death, refurreElion, intercefl'aors, before oureyes; which breedpeace, joy, hope, love, Rom. xv. 13. IËa. xxxv. ro. You muff believe for your juft.ification, adoption, the gift of the Spirit, and a future inheritance; your death and refurreetionwith Chrift. Inbelieving for thefe things, your whole way is adorned with flowers, and hath thefe fruits growing on each fide; fo that it is thro' the garden of Eden, rather than the wildernefs of Sinai, AE1s ix. 31. It is the office of the Spirit or guideto be our comforter, and not a fpirit of bondage, Rom. viii. is. Peace and joy are great duties in this way, Phil. iv. 4, S, 6. God dothnot drive us on with whipsand terrors, andby the rod of the fchool-matter, the law; hut leads us, and wins us to walk in his way ,by allure lents,Songi.3.Ho: xi. 3, 4. Seefuch allurements, 2 Cor. v. 15. and vii. r. Rom. xii. r. 5. Our very moving, acting, walking, in this way, is a pleafure and delight. Every good work is done with pleafure ; the very labour of the way is plea Pant. Carnal men with duties werenot neceffiry, and they are burdenfeme to them: but they are pleafant to us; becaufe we do not gain holinefs by our own carnal wreftling with our lufts, and crafting them, out of carnal fear, with regret and grief, and fetting confcience and the law agairat them, to hinder their