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Dire& XI\T. Of Sant7Xcrctión. 297 aEétings: but we ae`t naturally, according to the rew nature, and perform our new fpiritual &fires bywalk- ing in the ways of God thro' Chrift ; and our Bills and pleafures in fin, are not only reftrained, but tak- en away in Chrift ; and pleafures in holinefs freely givenus, and implanted in us, Pfalm viii. 5. Gal. i. 17, 24. John iv. 34 Pfal. xi, 8. and cxix. 14, 16, 20. We have á new tafte and favour, love and liking, by the Spirit of Chrift ; and look on the law not as à burden, but as our privilege in Chrift. sthly, It is a high exalted way above another ways. Unto this way the prophet Habakkuk is exalted, when, upon the failure of all vifible helps, and fup- ports, he refolves to rejoice in the Lord, and joy irf the God of his falvation,and, making God hi ftrengtli by faith, his feet fhould be as hinds feet, and fhould walk upon his high places, Heb. iïi. 18, 19. rrhefe are the heavenly places, in Chrift Jefus, that Goa path fet us in, being quickened and rdifed up toge her with him, lEph. ii. s, 6. t. We lime high here ; for we live not after the lfefh, but after the Spirit, and Chrift in us, with all his fulnefs, Rom, viii, i, a., Gal. ii. 20. and v. 2g. We walk in fellowfliip with God dwelling in us, and walking in us, 2 Cor. vi. Id, i 8. And therefore our Works are of higher price and excellency, than the works of others; becaufe they are wrought in God, John ii. 2 t. and are the fruits ofGod's Spirit, Gal. v. 23. Phil. i, 11. and we may know, that they áre ac- eepted and good, by our gofpel principles, which d.. thers have not, Rom vii. 6. 2. We are enabled to the molt difficult duties, Phil, iv. i, 3. and nothing is too hard for us. See the great works done by faith, Heb. xi; Mark ix. 23. works that carnal men think folly and madnefs to venture Upon, (they are fo great) and honourable at- ehievements in doing and fufl'ering for Chrift, 3. We walk in an honourable Elate with God, and on honourable terms ; not as guilty creatures, p