T H E D O C T R I N E ® F J U S T I F I C A T I O N OPENED AND APPLIED. Rom. iii. 23, 24, 25, 26. For all have finned, and comefhort of the gloryofGod. Being juftified freely by bis grace, through the 're. demption that is in Jefus Chr : Whom God bath fet forth to be a propitiation, through faith in bis blood, to declarehis righteoufnefs sfor the remSion offins that are pall, through theforbear- ance of God ; ro declare, 1fay, at this time his righteou/ie/s : that he might be juft, and thejuflifier of him which be- lieveth in Jefüs. THE apoftle, having confuted and overthrown all juaification, either of Jew or Gentile, by works in the foregoing difcourfe, is now proving, what he afferted, verles 2 r, 22. VIZ. " That the righteoufnefs of God without the law is manifeft. ed, being witneffed by the law and the prophets; « even the righteoufnefs of God which is by faith C of Jefus Chrift unto all, and upon all them that « believe: for there is no difference;" (hewing, that, now in the gofpel times; there is no difference be- tween Jew and Genti e; but that, in the juftifica- tion of both, the righteoufnefs of God, without the law, is manifefted. This he provoth, by Hewing L p 2