3.4 Do-Elrine of luftcation urged it, Rom. x. i i, 12. And it W:18 a point newly revealed to the apoftles, that the Gentiles might be accepted without turning Jews, and much prized as a very glorious revelation Afis x. A.a, 45. Eph. 4, 5; 8 Col. i. 25, 26, 27. And it is confirmed, 1. Becaufe uotwithflanding the Jews privilege of the law, by reafon of breaking the law, they had as intichneedof free juflification asthe Gentiles, and no worthinefs above the Gentiles by their works, but were rather greater (inners, Rolm ii. 23, 24. And when there is equal need and worth, God might righteoufly juffifyone as well as another, Ro. 9. 2. God is the God Of the Gentiles as well as of the Sews, Rom. iii. 29. as he prornifed, Rom iv. 9,12i 13. Gal. ill. 8. lfa. xix. 25. Zech. xiv. 9. 3. Abrahamwas juftified before he was circumei- fed, that he might be the father of thofe that believe, though uncircumcifed, that they might inherit the fame bleffing, Rom. iv. to, i t, 12. 4, This will appear farther, by fliewinf,o, that juf tification is only by faith, and without dependance upon the law, merely by the righteoufnefs of ano- ther; and fo Jews and Gentiles are alike capable of it, OnsERv. 1H. " That the juftifier, or efficient caufe of jullification, is God." It is an aet of God, Rom. viii. 33. "-It is God that jtiftifieth. He only an jifitify authoritatively and irreverfibly. t. Becaufe heis thi lawgiver, and hath power to Tave and deltroyfi-james iv t2: This cafe concerns God's law;and call billy be triecl at hit; tribunal. He is the judge of the World, Gen. 25. It is a finall worthlefs thing to be juilified by man, or by curfelves merely, i Cor iv, 3, 4. 2. To him the debt of fuffering for fin, and aCting righteoufnefs,is ()weal and therefore he only can give a difcharge for payment, or a releafe of the debtor, Pfal. ii. 4. Mark ii. 7. OBSERV. 1V. " God juflifieth fouls freely by his " grace [dôreon ti autou char iti] by his grace." One