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openedand applied. 305 of thefe expreffions had been enough; but this re- doubling it fheweth the importance of the truth, to quickenour attention the more. }ere is the impulfive caufeof jufft.if-ication, andhisfree manner ofbettowing it accordingly; And this fgnifies God's free undeb ferved favour, in oppofition to any worksof our righe teoufnefs, whereby it might bechallenged as a debt to us, Rom. iv. 4.. " Now tohim that worketh, is the "' reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt, chap. " ix. 6. if by grace, then is it no more of works ; otherwife grace is no more grace ; But if it be of " works, then is it no mote grace : otherwife work "' is no more work-. Eph. ii. 8, 9. By grace are ye "" faved, thro' faith ; and that not of yourfelves, it "" is the gift of God : not of works, left any man 4' fhould boaft, 2 Tim. i. 9. Who path faved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to "' our works, but according to his own purpofe and grace, whichwas given us in Chrift Jefus before the world began, werfe io. But is now made ma- "' nifeft bythe appearing of ourSaviour JefusChrift," &c. Grace is mercy and love ¡hewed freely, out of God's proper motion ; (hewing mercy, bccaufe he will Chew mercy; and loving us, becaufe he will love us, Rom. ix. i S. And this is confirmed.' i. Becaufe there was not; nor is any thing in us$ but what might move God to condemn us ; for we have all finned, Eph. ii, 3. Eta xvi. 6. 2. Becaufe God would take away beading, and have his grace glorified and exalted in our falvationa He will have all the praife and glory, though we have the bleff`ednefs, Eph: ii. 7, 9. " That., in the ages to " come, he might thew the exceeding riches of his grace, in his kindnefa toward us, through Chritt Si Jefus, And fo Rom. iii. 27." OsSEity. V. " God juítifieth fznners through the IS redemption that is in jefus Chrift,whomGodhath fet forth to be a propitiation through faith in his 6á blood." This is the efe Ling means or material