eperìedand applied. 307 er vi. 20. He redeemed us not with Elver and gold, " but with his precious blood, as of a lamb without rc fpot," Ii Pet. i. i 8, 19. 2 Pet ii. i . Rev, v. 9. He fuffered the penalty due to us for fin : i Pet. ii. cc He bare our fins in his own body on the tree," Gal. iii. s3. He was made a curfe for us," and there- by redeemed us from the curie of the law : and, that he might be made a curf'e, he was made fin for us, 2 Cor. v.- 21. Ifa. liii. S, 6. He fubjeaed himfelf to the law, in naive as well as pafiive obedi- ence, Gal. iv. 4. and obeyed his Father even to death, doingand fuffesingat hiscornrsandment, John xiv. 3 t. Heb. x. 7, and his obedience was for our juaitication. Compare Rom. v. ig. with Phil. iii. 8, g. So Chrift fatisfied both our debt of righteouf- nefs, and debt ofpunilbrnent; forour faultinefs, taint of fin, and want of righteoufnefs, as well as for our guilt, and obnoxioufnefs to punifhment ; that-we might be free fromwrath, and deemed righteous in God's fight. His fuffering was the confummating a I of redemption ; and fo all is attributed to it, Heb. íi. q, 10. even to his blood; though other doings and fufferings concur, 2 Cor. viii. 9. We are righteous, by him, as we were guilty by Adam, Rom. v. r 2. 2. God accepted this price as a fatisfaaiorr to his ju{lice, which he Chewed in raifing Chrift from the dead, and fo acquitting him from all our fins : " He cc was jufl:ified in the Spirit, I Tim. iii. i6. for us c Rom. iv. 25. raifed for our juflification, See Rom. tc viii. 33, 34. It is God that juli.ifîeth: who is he that condemmneth ? It isChrift that diedryea rather that If is rifen from the deal. And Heb. x. x4. By one " offering he hath perfeaed for ever them that are (G faretifred. And Eph. v. 2, This facrifice was a `c Tweet frxa.elling favour unto God." If Chrift had funk under the weight of our fins, and bad not been raifed, the payment had not been finifhed, and fo the debt not difcharged, John xvi. to. cc Of righteouf- " ¡left!, becaufe I go to my Father. q z