3a3 The T9 rine of itYlification 3. This redemption is in Chrift, as to the. benefit ofit; fo that :t cannot be had, except we be in Chrift; and have Chrift; fo the text exprefreth and fheweth that be is the propitiation ; and, as fuck, he is our righteoufnefs, r Cor. i. 3b We have redemption and righteoufnefs in him, Eph. i.- 7-. 2 Cor. v. 21. and therein our freedom for condemnation. Rom. viii, s. Chrift died, that his feed might be juftifiec Ifa. Iiii. io, i s. thole that are in him by fpiritual g&, aeration, r Cor. iv. is. OnSERV. VI. "The formal enure of jnftification, 44 or that wherein it confias, is the remiílîon of fin; i. e. not only the guilt and punishment is removed, 44 but the fault ; beca.ufe it is a pardon grounded on " juftice, which cleareth the fault alai. By him we " are juilifed from all things that the law chargeth g` us with; AEts Xiii. 39." Inmen fubject to a law, there is no middle condi- tion between not imputing fin, and imputing righte- oufnefs `and fo thefe terms' are ufed as equiv ,ent, Arts xiii. 38; 39. " Through this than is preached az the fergivenets of fins; andby him all that believe ec are juftified, &c. Roam. iv. 6, y, 8. 2 Cor. v. ¡9, " It. -Rom. v. 17 " This is through the- bloodfhed cf Chrift, Eph. i. 7. Math. xxvi. 28. ` OnsaRn. VII. :xs God juftifieth a Ginter through " faith in'Chrift's blood. Faith is the inftrumental caufe of receiving this, benefit, faith in the blood. of Chr'iít.... T. This faith is a believingon Chrift, that we may be juftified by -`him : Gal. ii. 16. " Knowing that°a " man is not jufìified by the vrrorks of the law, but c` by the faith ofJefus Chvift, even we have believed à` in Jefus` Chrift ;- that we might be juflifiedby the c` faith of (Thrift, 'and not by the works of the law." We believe inChrift forjut'ification, ont of a fenfeof our inability to obtain juftification byWorks. . This faith doth not juttify us, as an at of righ- teoufitefs, earning and procuring our juftification by