opened am epplied. 309 the work of it; for this would have been, juftification by works as under the law ; diametrically oppofite to grace, and free gift; which excludes all confidera- tion of any works of ours, to be our righteoufnefs, under any denomination or diminutive terms what- ever, whether you call it legal or evangelical; though you reckon it no more than the payment of a pepper- corn, Rom. xi. 6. Faith in this cafe is accounted a not working, 'Rom. iv. 5. And it is not faith. that Rands inttead of the righteoufnefs of the law, but the righteoufnefs of Chrift, which fatisfieth for what we Ought to have done or fuffered ; as path been (hewed. 3. God juflifieth by faith, as where. by we receiveChrift and his righteoufnefs; by which We are juftified properly; and we are juftified by faithonly metonymically, by reafon of the righteouf- nefs received by it : and to be juftified by faith and by Chrift, is all one, Gal. iii. 8. Rom. v. ty. By faith we-receive remifiion of fins, Aels xxxvi. tó. and x_ 43. Its effe1 is, the receptions of juftifieation, not the working it ; as a man may be faid to bemain- tained by his hands, or nouri{hedbyhis rmouth,when thole do but receive that which 'n.ourifheth, his food and drink. The cup is put for the liquor in the cup, Cor xi: 26, 27. See Rom. i.. 17. and iii. 22. Chrift is in us by faith, Eph. iii. 17. received, ate, drunk, John i t2. and vi. 50, 51, 53, S4. 4 This faith is to be underftood exclufively, to all our works for juftification. We defend againft the Papifts juftification by faith only: And there is no- thing more fullyexprefled in fcripture phrafe, Rom. iii. 28. Gal. ii. 16. Phil. iii. 8, 9. Rom. iv. z6. 5. We muft underhand faith in a full fenfe, of re- ceiving remiffion of the fault, as well as of the pu- nifhment. We believe, God accounts not the fault to us of the leaft fin. And, where faith is fail to be accounted for righteoufnefs, it is beeaufe of the ob- jeCt it receives, Rom. iv. 5, 6, 7 8. a Cor. v. 19, 2 t a