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3 Io rhe DoRrine <?/* jzylification. Webelieve,Chrift's righteoufnefs is imputed to us, as our fins are to him; or elfe we receive not remiffion of fins by believing : which is contrary to charging us with fin and condemnation ; which charging fig- nifieth imputing fin, Rom viii. 33, 34. Together with the removal of the charge of tin, we receive the gift of righteoufnefs, Rom. v. 17. And this we have in the reception of Chrift's redemption and blood- fhed, Eph. i. 7 Matth, xxvi. 28. OBSERV. VIII. " That God, in fetting forth Chritt to he a propitiation through faith in his blood, aimed to declare his righteoufnefs now un- " der the gofpel, for the remiffion of fins that are paft, as weil as prefent ;" of thofe fins that were patt, and committed under theOld Tettament, which was God's time of forbearing, in pardoning long be- fore his juftiCe was aEtually fatisfied byChrift's atone- ment, Heb. xiii. 8. Rev. xiii. 8. Matth. xviii. 26. The ground of thefe pardons is now revealed by Or; coming, Ifa. Ii. 5, 7. and lvi. i. Dan. ix. 24. 2 Tim. i. 9, io. that thofe pardons may be no ble- rnifh to the juftice of God now fatisfied, Exod. xxxiv. 7. Pfairn lxxxv. io. i. By this righteoufnefs is meant that righteoufnefs of God mentioned in the propofition, Rom. iii. 21, 22. of which the text is but a confirmation ; viz, the righteoufnefs of God; not his effential righteoufnefs, that which is an effential property of God ;- but a righteoufnefs, which is upon all them that believe ; Chrift's righteoufnefs, which is the end of the law, Rom. x. 3, 4. and therefore called God's righteouf- refs ; that which Chrill wrought for us, which is given to us, and we receive by faith; that whereby Chrift anfwered the law for us ; by which, as the price, he redeemed us; which is called God's righte, oufnefs, becaufe it is of God's working, and it only bath God's acceptance and approbation; as Chrift is called the Lamb of God, becaufe God provided him and accepts him as an eirering, John i. 29. Upon the