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epened and applied. 311-- like account, Chrift's kingdom is called the kingdom cf God, becaufe God's own hand lets it up,and main- tains it, and rules it, Eph v. 5. Chrift, who became obedient to death, to work this righteoufnefs, was God as well as man, Phil. ii. 6, 8. And this is that righteoufnefs which the apoftle oppofeth to his own; that which is in Chrift; which he had through faith. And this is the righteoufnefs of God here, and in o- ther places ; the righteoufnefs which is of God by faith, Phil. iii. 9. 2. God aimed at declaring, in gofpel times, his righteoufnefs in forgiving fins paft, in the time of God's forbearance under the Old Teftament, Rom. iii. 25. and alto in juftifying thafe that believe in Chrift at-prefent ; for it was by the righteoufnefs of the fame Chrift, that fins were pardoned under the Ola Teftanicnt, as well as now, Heb. xiii. 8. Chrift was the Lamb flain from the foundation of the world, l:ev. xiii. 8. only the righteoufnefs was not a 1ually fulfilled, and revealed then, but it was fhadowed out then, by the facrifices, ranforns, redemptions, Ere. IÏeb. x. t, 2, 3, 9, io. So this was a time of God's forbearance: becaufe hepardoned fins, as it were,wíth- outprefent payment andfatisfation. Hehadpatience and did not exaEt the debt, until Chrift paid all, Mat. 2.6. But then God prop ifed, that he would re vealhis righteoufnefs in due time, Ifa. lvi. 1. and11.5.6. Pfal. xcviii. 2..Uan. ix. 24. And this hehathdone by the appearance of Chrift, 2 Tim. i. to. OBSERV. I. "The end of this manifeftation is " that God may appear juft, in forgiving fins paft as " well as prefent, and the juflifier ofhim that bcliev - " eth in Jefus." Here, the of ential property of God is exalted, and appears glorious, in juftifying by the forementioned righteoufnefs pf God. t. As God-juftifleth freely by grace, he would ap- pear hereby juft in juftifying tanners; for it would be a blemifb to God's juftice, to forgive without a fatif- fav}ion, and righteoufnefs performed; and therefore,'