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312 The Doarine of ,ßu,îjication though he be gracious and merciful, yet he will not clear the guilty, Exod. xxxiv. 7. Gen: xviii. aç. Exod; xxiii. 7. And fo the faints of God conclúded1 that God had a righteoufncfsar .redernptionwhere. by he forgave fin, though it was not then revealed,. Pfalm li. in. cxxx. 7, 8. and clxiii. I, z. God would have juftice and mercy to meet in otir faavation, f'fal: lxxxv. io. 2. God would have it appear, that he only is jufim and therefore faveth us, not by our own righteouf;' nefs, but by his; which is indeed the more exalted by our unrighteoufnefs occafionally, though God is not therefore Unrighteous in taking vengeance, Ro. iii. $. Dan. ix. 7. 3 God would appear to be the only procurer and worker of our righteoufnefs, and fo our ju!tifier by way of procurement,aswell as by way of judgement; and fo he will juftifyus bya righteoúfnefs of hisown and not by our own, Ifa. live. 17. and xlv. ï 2, 248 25. that we may glory in the Lord only, a Colin i; 30, 31. USE I. It ferves for infïruaion, byway of encou. ragernent and confolation; that the great happinefs of thole that are inChrifG, is, that their fins are for- given, and they accounted jult in the fight of the Judge of all the world, through the redemption that isby the blood of Chrift; and this benefit contains all bleffednefs of life, and the confequences thereof, Ro. iv. 6. That man unto whom God imputeth righter oufnefs without works, hath a bleffednefs therein, and fuck an extenfive bleffednefs, in regard of the fpiritual part, as Abraham had, comprehending all fpiritual bleffings in Chrift : for they which be of faith, are bleffèd with faithful Abraham, Gal, iii. 9: For this righteoufnefsbeing the fundamental blefng, is revealed from faith to faith, and they that are by faith juft and juftified through that righteoufnefs,da, live by faith, always receiving it, and receiving non= riíhmcnt and comfort by it, Rom. i. 17.