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opened and applied. 313 T. They are delivered from the charge of fin and fault before God, Rom. viii. 33, 34 [Tis egkalefei.71 46 Who fhall lay any thing to their charge, or be 66 fufFered to bring in, at God's tribunal, any in. diüment, charge, or accufation againft them ? It '6 is God that juftifieth them; and Chrift bath died, !' and role again. They are redeemed from among Q6 men, being the firft fruits to God and theLamb. g6 In theirmouth there isno guile: and they are with " out fault [a momai] before the throne of God," Rev. xiv. 4, 5. See alío Col. i 22: 20 They are delivered from all condemnation in fentence and execution; the curie andwrath of God, Gal iii. 13. 66 Chrift bath redeemed us from the " curfe of the law, being made a curie for us. r Their i. i o. Jefus, which delivered us from the " wrath to come. Pfalm lxxxv. 3. Thou haft taken 46 away all thy wrath thou haft turned thyfelf front s' the fiercenefs of thine anger," See verfes5, 6. The wrath of God is an unfuportable burden, and the foundationof all miferies; which foundation is razed as a foundation of blefreclnefs laid, whereby we have peace with God, and are fully, reconciled to God, Rom. v. i, 2. 2 Con 7. i8, i9. Col, i. 21, 22. S6 Yott " thatwerefometime alienated, and enemies in your " mind by wicked works, yet nowpath he reconcil- 66 ed, in the body of his flefh through death, toprë- 66 Pent youholy and unialameable and unreprovableirt ç6 his fight." Now, where there is no blame before God, there can be no wrath from God. 3. They have no need to feet falvation by the works of the law ; and fo are delivered from a yoke that cannot be born; from endlefs obfervances that Pharifees andPapiftshaveheaped up; from continual frights, doubts, fears and terrors by the law, Ads xv. Io. Rome viii. is. from a wrath ,corking law, Roma iv. i 5. from a fin irritating law, Rom. vii. 5. from akilling law, a miniftration of death and condern ab r