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374 The DoErir. of jujlification tion, 2 Cor. ilL 6, 7, 9. mount Sinai, which gender- eth to bondage, Gal. iv. 24. 4 Hence they are delivered from a condemning confcience, whichotherwifewould Rill gnaw them as a worm, Heb. ix. 14. " If the blood of bulls and of " goats, andafhesof an heifer, fprinklingthe unclean, " fanaifieth to the purifying of the flefh; howmuch more fhall the blood of Chrift, who, through the eternal Spirit, offered himfelf without (pot to God, purge your confcience from dead works, to ferve ti the living God." A guilty confcience is a foul con- fcierice ; and it will make all fervices and dutie5 dead works, unfit for the fervice of the living God : it is the blood of Chrift, applied by faith, that takes off this foulnefs of guilt from the confcience: therefore the blood of Chrift bath the only efficacy this way, to take off the confcience of fin, Heb. x. 1, 2, 3, &c. Hence they come to have a good confcience, i Pet. iii. 2,1. void of offence towards God, Aas xxiv. i6. is aneverlafting righteoufnefs; by which their ftanding ín Chrift is fecured, Dan. X. 24. It is an e- ternal redemption that is obtained, Heb. ix. 12. ,Whoreas, by the law, thofe that were juftified typi- cally, might fall under condemnation ; fo far as to 'need another facrifice for fin to-morrow; they had no real purgation of confcience from fin by thofefacrifi- ces ; and therefore could not have a lafting delivery of their confciences from guilt by them. Here it is far otherwife ; hereis an effeaual,complete,and per- petual redemption, reachingthe confcience of the fin- ner, and for the purging away all fins, paft, prefent, and to come, i John i 7. 6. It is a righteoufnefs of infinite value ; becaufe it is the righteoufnefs of one that is God : and his name is, JEHOVAH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, Jer. xxiii. 6. Heb. ix. 14. It is therefore more owerful to fave, than Adam's fin was to deftroy or condemn, Rom. v. Chrift is here the power of God, i Cor. i. 24, Hence we are powerful, and