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Opened andapplied. 31g conquer, by faith. Likewife there is a marvellous plentyof mercy and grace, that is brought to us by Jehovah our Righteoufnefs, plenteous redemption, Pfalm cxxx. 7. It muff be molt plentiful, becaufe infinite. Thoughnocreature could fatisfy for fin, yet Jehovah could do it abundantly ; and therefore, in Chrift, God's mercy prevails high above our fens,. Pfalm ciii, i i, 12. 7 God's grace and justice are bothengaged on our behalf in this righteoufnefs. Juftice is terrible, and feems to be againft mercy, and dreadful to natural people : but it is otherwife to believers ; it is pacified andappeafed through this righteoufnefs; it is fatisfied by Chrift for our fins. Juftice becomes our friend, joins in with grace : and, instead of pleading againft us, it is altogether for us; and it fpeaks contrary to what it fpeaks to (inners out of Chrift. Jofh, xxiv. 19, 20. We may alto plead jutficefor forgivenefs through mercy in Chrift, Rom. iii. 26. 8. We may be Pure of holinefs and glory, delivery from the power and dominion of fin, as well as the charge of it before God,and guilt inour çonfciences: for this was the end of Christ's death, Titus ii. 14. Rom vi, iq. and viii. 3, 4, 3o. " Whom he juf- " tified, them he alto glorified." The law was the ftrength of fin ; for fin had its title to rulein us by reafon of the curie; and thence Satan alto rules : but here is our deliverance from fin and Satan, yea, from death too, Heb. ii. 14, is.- Hof. xiii. 14. And, by the fame reafon, we are ra;fed, by this excellent righ- teoufnefs, to a better hate than we had in Adam at ñrft ; for Chrift died that we might receive the adop.. tion offops, and theSpirit; that, we might be brought under a new covenant, andbe fet in the right way of holinefs, ferving out of love, Gal. iii. 14 i John iv, 19 Gal. iv. s. Heb. ix is. Rom. v. i I. Luke i. 74. Col. ii. r 3. 9. We may be fore, hence, of a concurrence of all things for our good. All things (hall work for ood. R r 2