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3 t 6 The DoRrine of jukfication through grace, to bring us to glory ; becaufe God is for us, who is the Creator and governor of all things, Rom. viii. 28, 31, 33 Godwiil never be wroth with us, nor rebuke us in anger any more, IT liv. q. Rom. Y. 2, ° - -5. o. Hence we may come before God without confufion of face, yea, with bcldnefs to the throne of grace in Chrift's name, John xiv. 3, 14. and expert all good things from him, Eph. iii. 12. " In I; whomwe have boldnefsandaccefs with confidence 6' by the faith of him, Heb. x. 22, 23. Let us draw 6' near with full affurance of faith.". Chrift's blood pleads for us in heaven, Heb. xii. 24. and we may, and are to plead boldly a fatisfadion on his acm Count. e. r r. We live in thofe times when this righteoufnefs is fully revealed, and fin made an end of, Rota. iii. 21, 22. This is our happinefs above thofe that lived before Chrift's coming, whò were under types and fhadows of this righteoufnefs ; when as we have the fubtancein itsown light; and fo we are not under the law, which they were under as a fchoolmàfter. We are not fervants, but Eons, called to liberty, Gal. iii; 23, 26. iv. 7. and v. 13 The preaching the old cove. Yaantas a church ordinance to beurged, novels ceafed, the law is not to be preached now in the fame terms as Mofes preached it, for jutfification Rom x S, 6, 7, 2. 2 Cor. iii. 6, 7. Gal. iii. 23, 24 it is contrary ¡n terms -to faith, though it were fubfervient. UsE H. For examination, whetherwe be in Chrift, and have received this juftifcation by faith with all our hearts. I. Confider, whether you may he really fenfible of fin, and your condemnation by the law. This is ne- ceary to makeus fly to Chrift and for this as one great end, was the law given, Gal. iii. 22, 23, 24. Matth. ix 13. Ards ii. 37. Without fenfe of fin, there will be no priaingof Chrift,,or.defire of holiriefs; but rather abufeof grace to carnal fecuxity and licentiouf.