Marshall - BT765 M37 1788

opened and applied. 317 nefs. Thofe that were flung with the fiery ferpent looked up to the brazen ferpent. . Doll thou truft only upon free mercy for jufti- ftcationin God's fight, renouncing all thy works what. ever in this point, as not able to Rand in them before God's exalt juftice, crying with the poor publican? perfeaionids, and (elf- righteous perfons, have no (hare in this matter, Luke xviii. 13, 14. Paul, not- withftanding all that theworld might think he had to plead for himfelf, ({ counted all but dung, that he 46 might win Chrift, andbe found in him, not having 46 his own righteoufnefs, which is of the law, but that which isthro' the faith ofChrift, therighteouf- nefs which is of God by faith," i. c. the redeeming and propitiation righteoufnefsof Chrift ;,whereby he defired only to be juftitied; and whichhe believed in for that end, oppotingit to anything inherentin him. felf ; which therefore he calls his own righteoufnefs, Phil. iii. 7, 8. g. Rom. iv. s. 3. Deft thou truft with any confidence on Chrift, not continuing in a mere fufpence? In a wayof mere doubting, we can receive no good thing from God, James 1. 6, 7. Mere doubting will not Ionic the con- .fcience from the guilt of fin, lieb. x. 22. but leaveth the foul under terrors. Abraham's confidence is the `ëxan;ple and pattern of our juftifying faith, that we fhould endeavour to .come up unto, believing with a fulnefs of perfuafion, in hope again(t hope, Rom. iv. 24. Though a believing foul may be affaulted with many doubtings, yet it fights againft them, and loth, not give up itfelf to the dominion of them, Pfal. xlii. 1 r. Mark ix. 24. It hath always fomething contrary to them, and {hiving with them. 4. lloft thou come to Chrift for remiffion of fins, for the right end, namely, that thou mayeft be freed from the dominion of fin before the living God, Heb. ix. t 4. Pfalm cxxx, Tit. ii. 14 t Pet. ii. 24. If O. therwife thou dot not receive it for the right end;