Marshall - BT765 M37 1788

318, The DoErine of JufXcation and defireft not really the favour and enjoyment off God, and to be in friendthip with him. s. Dolt thou walk in holinefs, and firive to evi- áence this juftification by the fruits of faith, in good works ? If otherwife thy faith is but a dead faith ; for a true faith purified' the heart, Acis xv. 9. If Chrift be thine, he will be fanfiification as well as righteoufnefs, r Cor. i. 3o. Rom. viii. r, 9. John xiii. 8. If God ,had taken thee into his favour, he will doubtlefs cleanfe thee. Though faith alone juftifies, without the concurrence of works ; to the afi of juftification, yet that faith is not fo alone, as not to be accompanied with good works; as the eye alone feeth, yet it is not alone without other members ; fo the apostle James declareth faith that is alone, to be dead, arid biddeth us Phew our faith by our works ; which is to be underftood, not as if works were the conditions of attainingjuftification, but Pure evidences of juftification attainedby faith, and very neceffary, jamesii. 14, i5. The gofpel is nocovenantofworks requiring another righteoufnefs for juftification by doing for life. Works juftify us from fuchaccufations of men as will deny us to have juftificationby faith, or that wehave a true and live- ly faith, or as good trees, Matth. xii. 33, 37. not a being our righteoufnefs themfelves, or conditions of our having thrift's righteoufnefs, or qualifying us for it. UsE III, It ferveth for eçhortation to feveral due; ties, I. To the wicked. It is dehortation unto them from continuance in tin, under God's wrath, running headlong to damnation; for here is a door of mercy opened to them; a righteoufnefs prepared that they may be freely accepted of God. Some men are def., peradoes : " They have loved ftrangers, and after '' them theywill go," Jer. ii. 25. They are refolved to run the rifle of it, and pleafe themfelves, that they /hall (peed as well as others. Andforemen would be