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opened and applied. 319 juftified, but leek for it in a wrong way. Some will go to the Pope, to quiet their confciences by his de- ceits; force to their own works and performances t but you are exhorted to look out for the true righte. oufnefs. Chrift faith in the gofpel, " Behold me, Be- " hold me ;" the kingdom of heaven is open; mercy and righteoufnefs are freely offered, Ifa. Iv. 6. 7. Jet. iii. 12. Repentance is preached With remìffion of fins Luke xxiv. 57. AEIs ii. 38. Beware you do not ne- glea this acceptable time, this day of falvatiob, Heb3 ü. i, 3. For, (1.) If you do, you remain under the wrath of God, John iii. 36. under the curfe of the law ; which, like a flood, fweeps away all that are found out of this ark, the Lord Jefus Chrift, Pfalm xi. 5, 6. (2.) Your condemnationwill be aggravated by re- futing fo great falvation, Heb. ii. 3. You will have no cloke for your fins when you refufe mercy, John XV. 22. You cannot fay, you are undone, by your part fins, beyond recovery, and therefore it is in vain to ftrive ; for behold, i emiffion of fins is proclaimed unto you, Ezek. xiii. io, i i. And what an horrid fin is it, to defpife the blood of the Son of God ? John iii. 18, 36. OBJECT. I. «If God juftify the ungodly, Ro. iv. tt 5, what need I forfake ungodlinefs at ail ? Rom. tt vi. Air s. Thou canftnot leek ju flifacation tru'y, except thouhaft a mind to live to God in frrendfhip with him; for juftification i God's way of taking us into friendfhip with him, Rom. y.,1, 2. and of reconcil- ing us, 2 Cor. v. t g. The fife thou art to make of it, is to feek God's friendfhip'by it, and the enjoyment ofhim. Whydoth a man feek a pardon, if he intend to go on in rebellion, and ftanel out in defiance to his Prince? i Pet. ii. 24. They feek pardon in a mock- ing way, that intend not to return to obedience, Gal. vi. 7, 8. OBJECT. IL " My fins are fo great, that I have tt no encouragement to hope."