g Db rhe DoSirine f Jz cati n AN s. Chrift's righteoufnefs is for allfortsof (inners that believe, whether Jew or Gentiles; and how great (inners were of both forts, Rom i. ii and iii. and e- ven for thofe that killed and murdered the Lord of glory, Arts ii. 23, 36. 1 Cor. ii. 8, for the chief of (inners, t Tim. i. 15. At xvi. "\Vhere fin abounds, ",grace fuperabounds, Rom. v. 20." Your fins are but the fins of a creature, but his righteoufnefs is the righteoufnefs of God, Johnvi. 37. Rom. x. 3. i r. ale EXHORT. 11. It exhorts thofe that have a mind to turn to God, to turn the right way, by faith in Chrift for juftification. Let them not Peek by works, as moll in the worlddo, and all are prone to do, Rom. ix, 3 x ö 3 2.But thisdotrinefeenis very fooIifh, yea, pernicious to a naturalman. "Become a fool that thou mayeífbe ec wife," t Cor. iii. 18. otherwife you will labour in the fire, and weary yourfelves for every vanity, andbe undercontinual difcomfortsanddifcouragements; for you can do no good work while you are in the flefh, underthe law, and its c rie, before God have received you into favour; for jufiification is inorder of nature before true holtnefs of heart and life, a Tun. i.. web. ix. 14. faith is the great work and mother duty, John vi. 29. Gal. vi. Ifa. lv. 2. &c. and therefore, while you believe rot, you difhonour Chrift and his death, Gal, ii. 21. and v. 2, 3, 4. Therefore come boldly, though you have been a great firmer, Arts x, 43. and leek righteoufnefs in Chrift with holinefs Ruin, viii. r. QBut how ball T get faith A. Faith is the gift of God, Eph. ii. 8. and by tint gofpel, Rom. i. a5, 16, 17. Faith cometh by hearing the gofpel preached, Rote. x. 17. and that cornes, ira working faith, not in word only, but in power, á Thef: i. s. beyond what can bedone by natural or human attainment, John vi. 63. Therefore, if thou haft no beginning of it in thee, thy only way is, to attend to the gofpel, and to meditate on thy fin and inifery, and Chrift's excellency, that fo thou rnayelt