openedand applied. 32; be inclined in thy heut to believe, Song i. 3. Gal. ii. i6. Pfal. ix. to. for this is the way God ufeth to beget faith, Ifa. 1v. 4. But if thou haft a delire and inclination to fly from thyfelf to Chrift in the bent of thyheart, fo that thou preferreft Chrift above all, then the Spirit bath begun, and will carry on the work : fo that now thou mayeft pray confidently for faith, Song i. 4. Luke xi. 13. Mark xi. 34. OBJECT. III. " But without holinefs no man (hall C' fee the Lord, lieb. xii. 14. And how (hall I get a' holinefs ? I cannot fandify myfelf; and this con- " fidence you fpeak of, may flacken my diligence." Ax s. If thou haft righteoufnefs inChrift, God will make thee holy ; and this confidence is the only way to get holinefs, becaufeof that righteoufnefs, Rom. v.2 r. The new covenant is confirmed in him, which promifeth a newheart. If fin be forgiven, thou fualt be delivered from its power, and quickened by the fame death and refurreEtion of Chrift, whereby thou art jtJItified, Col. ii. 12, 13, EXHORT. _III. It exhorteth them that are j_uftified by faith, 1. To walkhumbly,asbeingnothingof themfelves, to acknowledge themfelves enemies toGod bynature, and acknowledge their fins in the.greatnefs and hein. oufnefs of them ; that they are faved freely by the righteoufnefs of another, not by their own; yea, that, they are fo far fallen, that the juftice of God would have been againft them, if it had not been fatisfied, Rfal. lxxi. 16. Rom. iii. 27. but now they fee that Chrift hath fatisfied, and his righteoufnefs is above their fins, Ezek. xxxvi. 31. 2. Topraife and glorify God through Chrift for hia grace. Oh what abundantgrace and love appears in God's wafhing and cleanfing us by his Son's blood ! Rev, i. S. Gal. ii. 2o. and in making his Son fin and a curie for us? Rom. V. 5, 8. t John iv. 9, to. and iii. 16. 2. Cor. viii. 9. and what a glorious and excellent righteoufncfs hathGod givenusiia Chilli? Ifa. xi. IQ.