322 The Doítrine of ju cation. 3. To walk comfortably, upon the account of this righteoufnefs, Iía. xl. r, 2. Triumph over fin and affliftion, Rom..viii. 33, 39. Be confident in expec. ting great things from God, lieb. x. 22. for, tho' you may unworthy, and grace will Thew you your own unworthin.efs, yet you ífand upon the righteouf- nefs of Chrift. Glory in the hope ofGod's glory; for ifChrift died toreconcile you when.youwereenemies, much more will he fave you by his life, now you are reconciled, Rom. v. 3 r0. Alk boldly for what you want ; for God is in Chrift's manhood as the mercy- feat. Whenever fin flings you, andobjeFtionstrouble you, look to the brazen ferpent; confefs fin, and truft for pardon; meditate on Chrift's righteoufnefs, and the abundance of grace in him, Rom. viii. 32. If you find ever fo much ungodlinefs, no good qualifi- cations ; yet Chrift is at hand for your comfort, Ifa. L to a Their ii. 16, r7. In all your fins, apply yourfelves to this fountain, Zech. xiii. z. i Johni.r If fin lye on the confcienco, it weakens peace and 1piritual ftrength. Lye not under guilt with a flay- ifh fear; you have a righteoufnefs to deliver you from it ; apply it by faith that you may have no more corfcience of fin as condemning, lieb. X. 20. Pial. xxxii. You have a better righteoufnefs than any perfeCtionifts can have. 4 gold fall: this wayof juftification notwithftand. ;rig all the noïfe that is made in the world agaínft it for the devil will ftrive to fçar you out of it, or Real it from you; as he slid from the Jews,frozn the Gala- tians, theh?apilks, and manyPrateftants,Gal. i. 6. and the Apoftle reckons it is by a fpiritual bewitchery. He will ftrive to get you to truft on works, and tell you, it is for the promoting of holinefs, and to truft on works to get Chr'ift, and to lay works loweR in the foundation. If you lofe this righteoufnefs of Chrift, under any colour or pretence whatever, you lofe all, Gal. v. 2, 3. Do not fo dif onour Chrift, 25 to think f procuring that by works which you have fully in