Opened andapplied. 323' Chrift. Think not that the gofpel requires any other juftification to gain this; for the gofpel is no legal co- venant, but a declarationof the righteoufnefsof faith; and we, being juffified, areheirs byadoptionand pro- mile, Gal. iii. 24, 25, 26. and iv. 7. This is the doc- trine which glorifieth God, and abafeth thecreature; which is a great markof itstruth. Beware, therefore, of carnal reafon ; which will go quite contrary, and ruakeChrift's righteoufnefs aftumbling ftone to thee, 2 Pet ii. 8. Rom. ix. 32, 33. 5. Walkasone that en joys thefavour ofCod inChr. Let him have the honour of it. Walk therefore in, holinefs, knowing by what price you are redeemed, Pet i. 17. 13. 2 Cor v. 14, 15.2 Pet. i. 5, i I. t Cor. vi. 20. Love God that hath loved you firt, i John, iv. 1 9. Pfal, cxvi, 16. Believe that God will enable you for the practice of holinefs, Rom. vi. 14. Parti- cularly, walkinlove to the faints; exercife forgivenefs to your enemies. Senfe of your own fins, and God's forgiving you, will caufe you to pity and forgive o- thers; elfe you cannot pray or truft for forgivenefs of, your own fins upon reafonable grounds, Eph. iv, 31, 32. Matth. vi. 14, 15, and xviii. 2L. Defire grace may be exalted upon others ; and wait pati- ently for the full declaration of juftification at the great day, Gal. v. 5. Acts iii. 19. for here your juf- tification is known only by faith ; but in outward things you are dealt with as a firmer : then your righteoufnefsfhall appear openly, andyou fhallhedealt with according to it. I N I S,