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irea IIt. OfSan tjficatiòn. Si " in Chrift." An holy frame of fpirit, with all its ieceffary qualifications, tuft needs be comprehend- ed herein " in all fpiritual bleftings:" and thefe are given us in Chrift's perfon in heavenly places, as prepared and treafured up in him for us while vie are upon earth ; and therefore we muft have our holy endowments out of him, or not at all. In this text force chafe rather to read heavenly things, as in the margin, becaufe neither place's nor things are expreffed in the original ; but the former textual reading is to be preferred before the marginal, as being the proper fenfe of the original Greek phrafe, which is, and malt neceffarily be fo rendered in two other places of this fame epiftle, chap iii. rd. and vi. Tz. Another text is r Cor. i- 3o. which iheweth, that " Chrift is of God made unto us " fanc`tification," by which-we are able to walk holily ; as well as wifdom, by the knowledge of which we are favingly, wife ; and righteoufnefs, by- the imputation of which we are juftified ; and redemption, whereby we are redeemed from all rnifery, to the enjoyment of his glory, as our hap- pinefs in the heavenly kingdom. Other texts of Scripture Phew plainly; that we receive our holinefs out of his fulnefs by fellowship with him : John i. i6, 17. Of his fulnefs have we all received, " and grace for grace." And it is underftood of grace anfwerable to the Lawgiven by Mofes, which inuit needs include the grace of fanUification John i. 3, 5, 6, 7. " Truly our fellowship is with " the Father, and with his Son Jefus Chrift; Gott " is light. if we walk in the light, as he is . in " the light, we have fellowfhip one with another." Hence we may infer, that our fellowfhip with. God and Chrift, cloth include particularly our have ing light, and walking in it holily and righteoufly. There are other texts that reach the proof of the hole direction fully ; fhewing, not only that our holy endowments are made ready firft in Chrift o