66 The Gofpel.Myffcrq Direa. IV. to be members of that one myffical body whereof he is the head. DIRECTION IV. The Means or Inflrurnents whereby the Spirit of God accompli/heth our Union with Chryl, and our Fellowfhip with him in all Holinef, are, the Gfeel, whereby Chrfl entereth into our Hearts to Work Faith in us ; and Faith whereby we actually receive Chryl hinzfe f, with all his Ful- nefs, into tur Hearts. And this Faith is a Grace of the Spirit, whereby we heartily be- lieve the Gofpel, and alfo believe on Chr, as he is revealed andfreelypromfed to us therein, for all hisfalvation. EXPLICATION. DATwhich I afrerted, in the foregoing direc- tion, concerning the neceifity of our being in Chrâft, and having Chrift in us, by a myftical union, to enable us for an holy practice, might put us to a stand in our endeavours for holinefs ; becaufe we cannot imagine how we fhould be able to raife our- felves above our natural fphere, to this glorious uni- on and fellowfhip, until God be pleated to make known to us, by fupernatural revelation, the means whereby his Spirit maketh us partakers of fo high a privilege. But God is pleafed to help us, when at a Rand, to go on forward,by revealing two means or infiruments whereby his Spirit accomplifheth the myftical union and fello:vfhip between Chrift and us, and whereby rational creatures are capable ofattain- ing thereunto, by his Spirit working in them. One of thefe means is the gofpel of the grace of God, wherein God loth make known to us the un-