T H E F iÙIU. RE O R. TYPES O F T H E Ib ittEltdillEllt, BY WHICH CHRIST. and the Heavenly Things of the Gofpel were Preached and Shadowed to the People of GOD bf Old. Explain'd and Improv'd in fundry SERMONS. By SAMV EL, MATHER, fometime Pallor of a Church in Dublin. 'etonD QDtttott, To which is annex'd, (more than was in the former Edition) a SCHEME and TABLE of the whole, whereby the READER may readily turn to any Subje6 treated of in this BO OK. LONDON, Printed for Nath. Hillier, at the Princes Arms in Leaden- hallireet, over againft St. Mary Axe, i705.
T O T H E R ÉSPECIALLY Thofe of that C HUR C H, which this Author was fometime P ! T hi VERT Church k by the Ordinance of Chrift a Pillar of faving Truth, holding it forth to befeen and read of all Men; the Teachings and Ordinances admini- fired inChurches being among thechief of the Ways, whereby the bleffed God inflrucas and enlightens a dark World in the way of Eternal Life. Theft following Difcourfes are part, and but part ofthole many precious Truths andTeachings held forth by this Servant of Chrifl, in the courfe ofabout teen Tears Minry, in that Candleflick in which the Lordmade him aThin- ing Light. TheProphets donot live for ever; but their Words and Fruit fhould, yea will live and remain after they are gone to their everlafling Refl. Not long after this Author had gone thro' this Subjeci, God took him to Heaven, (when he wanted above fix Months of beingfix andforty Tears old)hy an Impoflhume in hisLiver ; which as Some who were converfant with himjudged, hung upon himwhen heflu- died and preached theft Sermons ; andwhich perhaps was the Rea.. fins, that from the beginning to the jnifhing ofthenfo long afpace ran out. Having no more time to review them, and make any Ad- ditions unto the Notes that he prepared for Preaching, they are left perfell then otherwife theywould; and it is not unlike, but that ma- ny thingsfludied by him before-hand, and delivered in Preaching, efpecially in the Applicatory part (wherein he had an Excellency) are loft, becaufe not writtendown by himfelf. Had he lived tohave A reviewed
To the READER. reviewed andprepared there Difcourfes for the Preft, it is like he would have fpoken to and cleared up fome Things more fully 5 and perhaps, onfecond thoughts, have inforte Paffages deliveredhintfelf fotnewhat otherwife. t It is not expeCted that every one, much lef critical and capti- our Heads, will fubfcribe to every thing which theymayhere meet with. .Info difufe and vajl, andwithal fo obfcure aSubjecJ, and fo untrodden a Path, it is no wonder ifevery one will not tread in full the fameReps with him for there are f me Thingswherein he departs from the Sentiments offorce other learned and judi.. dolls Perfons. His making force of the old legal Ordinances Types of the inlituted Church, and Ordinances under the NewTeflament and our Ordinances the Antitypes of theirs, it may be Some may not ofnt unto, following therein Ames Prol. inPf. 2. and Mr. Jeans, who (Exam. Exam. p. 241.) cites Chamier tom. 4. 1. 9. c. xi. Se&. x3. 15. pag. 515. Tilenus Syntag. Part. ult. Difp. 63. Sea. 12. Ames. Bellarm. Enerv. tom. 3.1.4. c, 7. to which he might have added thofe Words ofhis tom. 3. iib.I. cap... T1ief i3. and lib. 2. cap. 4.Thef. 4. But Others there are who go with this our Author. See Bezá on I Cor. io. 6. and on 1 Pet. 3. 27. and Mr. Cotten,Holinefs ofChurch-Members,cap.2. feét. ï 2.and 13. Not to mention anyof theSchoolmen, or the elder Writers among Chriftians, who are veryfrequent and very exprefs to this Purpofe. Nor can it be denied that there is a common Nature wherein their Inflitntions and ours agree, the one king a Shadow or darker A- dumbration, the other amore lightfome and lively Image ofthe fame Things. And it is beyond allContraditíion,that the HolyGhofi him- fe f lothfrequently inftruíl us in our Duty,wirh reference toour In- Jututions, from theirs under the Old Tefament,with relation to their typical Ordinances. Asfor his callingour In itutions theAntitypes to theirs, tho' there fhould be a Truth in that Obfervation, Theo- logi Grxci Typum&Antitypum promifcuèufurpant pro iifdem, pro re fignificatl nunquam. Jodoc.Laren. apud Twiít Animadv. in Cory. Def. Armin. cont. Tilen. pag. 280. yet there is afirm andproper Acceptation of the Word,wherein it may befaid,that our Inftitutions are the .Antitypes oftheirs: vid. Jun. Animadv. inBell. Contr. 3, lib. x. cap. 9. not. 25. and in that Senfe the HolyGhof asfeth
To the READE R. Meth it, i Pet. 3. 2 I. Nor needs any one flumble at our Author s iffïng it infomewhat a different Signification; for Wage is the Mailer andRule ofLanguage g Loquendum cum vulgo, fentiendum cmxi Dods. But,it is not for thefake offtch Paffages that thefe Difcourfes are Published : But at the infant delres ofmany, and for the fake of that Gofpel-light which Jhines throughout the whole, and which is therein call upon fo great apart of Holy Scripture, which was writ- ten not for their Zife only who had the worldlySanauary, and were, to obfervé thole carnal Ordinances ; but for ours alfo, who live in thofe better tinges of the NewTeflarent. And tho' every thing be not fo clearly and convincingly made out as fome perhaps will defre ; yet that the Worhisfangularly ufeful will be manifefl ofitfelf: Nor is any humane Writing without its Defeas; and thofe which come out after the Author's Deaths,and were not by their own handsfinifhedfor the Prefs (which is theCafe of this) mull haveAllowance beyond others. Befides,that this is a Subject which None,or almofl none hath waded through before him. How he was indowed for it, andwhat he had attained in it, isnot for fo obfcure and incompetent a Pen as writes this, to fay. Ifthis Workfind inceuraging Acceptance, other of his Labours may poffibly be Publifhed hereafter. For betides This, and thofe three otherfmall Zraas,viz.his Defenceofthe Proteftant Re- ligion againfl the impotent Affaults of a Popifh Prießl,his Irenicum, or Effay for Union among the reforming Parties in thefe Nations andhis Two Sermons against the Ceremonies, 011 2 King.'8.4. which are already Printed; there are fome other Works ofhis,not un- fit to fee the Publick Light. As toyouwho were fometime his Charge,andufed to fit under his Minifiry, this Providencefhould be looked on by you, as that which addsgreatly unto your Account. Ifyou be notjudiciousand eflablifh- ed Chriflians, if you be not living thriving Souls, you will be moll inexcufable. God bath madeyouas a City on an Hill, not onlyby the eminency ofPlace whereyou fojourn, but alfo by the lullre of thofe Starsin his Right hand,whom he bath formerlyfit amongyou : Thofe hoary Heads, zealous and lively Dr. Winter, that mighty Man in Prayer; grave and judicious Mr. Timothy Taylor; and thofe of fewer days,in whomyet was the.Infpirationof the Almighty to give them,
Sri To the READER. themUnderáanding,holy,humble Mr. Murcot,and this Author,the elearnefs and weightinefs ofwhofe Preaching fame ofyou have apre- cious Remembrance of,mufl allofthem be accountedforunto Godone Day,byyou thatfat under their Miniflry. Dr. Winter thought the Joyand Glory of Saints in Heaven receive forteAddition there,as their Works while they were on Earthdo bring.forth Fruit here be- low, grounding this his5udgínent onJer. 32. i9. and the like Scrip- tures 5 fee his Epiftle before Mr. Murcot's Sermons. And there are that think, godly Miniflers (hall at the DayofChrifi have the prefenting unto Him, thofe that have been Converted and favingy wrought upon by their Miniflry. The Apoflle Paul f ems to have an Experlation,that he fhould prefent theCorinthians unto Chrift as a chart Virgin efpoufèd unto theLord byhim, 2 Cor. i i. 2. andhe look'don theTheffalonians as his Joyand Crownofglorying be- fore Godnot only inthis World, x Theff.3. 9. but alfo hereafter in thePrefence of our Lord Jefus Chrift at his coming, i Theff 2. 9, z Ifthegal ionateRemembranceofyour former Teachers,whichHill lives inyour Hearts, and ought fo to do, fhallfliryou up to make a fruitfulImprovement offuch Monuments oftheir Labòurs as areyet with you, whatever Advantage fball accrue to them who are now a- bove a th.anklefs World and cloudy Sky, certainlyyou willbe gainers unfpeakably. Thofe Exhortations of the Apoftle dofpeakuntoyou. Remember thofe that have had the Rule over you, and have fpoken to you theWordofGod, whofe Faith follow, confider- ing the end of their Converfation; Jefus Chrift is the fame yefterday, to day and for ever : He will be thefame to you that he bath been to them. You havenot yet refitted unto Blood ; but howfoonyoumay be calledforth unto it, is with himin whofeHand are all our Times. The Churches of the Hebrev .s in Judxa had flood, when the Apofile fowrote to them, much about the fame time that you have been in the Fellowfhip andOrder ofthe Gofpel. And as they then mightanddidfee a Day ofNational Calamity approach- ing, Heb. io. 25. fomayyou difeern black and threatningProgno- flicks. Wherefore forfake not the affembling of your felves to- gether as the manner of fome is,but Exhort and Incourage one another to it,and that fo much the more as you fee the Day ap- jproaching
To the R EAD ERa vii proaching, lift up the Hands that hang down, let the feeble Knees be ftrengthened,and make ftreight Paths for your Feet,left that which is lame be turnedout of the Way, but let it rather be healed. FollowPeace withall Men,ánd Holinefs,without which noMan {hall feetheLord; looking diligently,letf any Man fail of the Grace of God, left any root of bitternefs fpringing up trou- ble you,and thereby many be defiled, &c. For e re are no the come unto the Mount that might be touched, Ye. are not dark legal Difenfation,which was fullofTerrour ; but ye are come to Mount Sion,and to the City of the living God : ye are under afar more glorious Gofpel -Difpenfation and have in thereDifcourfes the Gofpel andfpiritual Gloryofthat oldDifpenfation fhiningout upon you theVeil being taken offfrom it by the Aliniflry ofthisServant ofChriflforyourfakes. For what your Miniers are,they areforyou. Epaphras was afaithful Minier ofChrifl for the Churchat Colofs, This Author was inlightned byChrigfor you. The Influences that the Miniflers are the Subjels of,arefor their People. Iftheir Confo- lation abound thrô Chriít,it is that they may be able to Comfort others by theComfort wherewith they themfelves areComfort- ed ofGod, 2 Cor. i. 4, 6. If they be enabled to walk Exemplarily in Gofpel--fimplicity, holinefs, jufinefs and unblamablenefs through variety o f frngular andfore Tryals it is for your fakes,i Theff. T . S. withchap.2. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9,1o. their Light and Gifts are yours and for you, i Cor. 3.22. Theft Sermons in the Preaching ofthem were in apeculiar mannerfor you : So are they now in this making of themyet more Publick. So are thofe that now lobouramong you in the Word andDoc`Irine your Servants for Chrift's fake. The Blefng ofHeaven go along withboth this Book and their Labours, Amen. And let every one alto that reads, fay Amen. NATHANAEL MATHERo
BOOKS Printed for N. Hillier, at thePrince's Arms in Leaden-ballfireet, over againfi St.Mary-Axe. TH E Righteoufnefs ofGod, byFaith upon all, without Difference who believe, In Two Sermons on Rom. 3.12. Preached at the Merchants Leaure at Pinner's-hall, Quarto. A Difcuflion of the Lawfulnefs of a Paftor's titling as an Officer in otherChurches, betides that towhich he is efpecially called to take the Over-fight of. In Twelves. Twenty three felea Sermons, preached at the Merchants Leaure, at Pinners-ball, and in Lime-fireet ; wherein feveral Cafes of Confcience, and other weighty Matters arc propounded and handled, In Oaavo, AU Three by the Yudicioms and Learned Mr. Nath. Mather. A praaical Difcourfe of God's Sovereignty, with other material Points deriving thence, viz. of the Righteoufnefs. OfGod. Of Eleai- on. Of Redemption. Of efFe&ual Calling, and of Perfeverance. By Elf/ha Cole, InOaavo, the Fifth Edition. The Throne ofGrace difcourfed of, in Thirteen Sermons from Heb. 4. 16. By the Reverend Mr. Robert Trade In Oaavo. A Learned and Accurate Difcourfe of Guilt of Sin, Pardon of that Guilt, and Prayer for that Pardon : Written fome 'Years fince, by the ReverendMr. 7ho Gilbert, lately deceafed at Oxford, In Oaavo, The Divine Inftitution of Congregational Churches, Minifters and Ordinances, as has been profeffed by thofe of that Perfwafion, afferted and proved from Scripture, In Oaavo An Effay to the Interpretation of the Angel Gabriel's Prophcy, de.; livered by the Prophet Daniel, Chap. 9. Verf 24. In_Oaavo. Chrifi's Afcenfion to fill all Things ; In a Sermon at Horfly-down, In Oftavo, All Three by the Reverend Mr. Ifaac Chancy. Scripture Proof for finging Scripture Pfalms, Hymns and fpiritual Songs, By E. H. In O&avo. A Defence of the glorious Gofpel of the bleffed God, attempted againft the New Law : With an Anfwer to Thirteen Arguments of Mr. Barret for it, By the late Reverend Mr. Yobn Ryther of 1Votting- barn, In O&avo. The Sinner's Jultification, or the Lord our Righteoufnefs : Deli- vered in feveral Sermons, By ObediabGrew, D. D. late Milliner of the Gofpel at Coventry. The Second Edition, In Twelves. The Marrowof modern Divinity, touching the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace, with their Ufe and End ; clearly defcrib- ing the Way to Eternal Life by Jefus Chrift. By E. H. The Ninth Edition. In Twelves. The Conqueft and Triumph of Grace, in an Account of the Con- verfion of the Indians. By Matthew Mayhew. In Twelves.
O f SOME Principal Matters in this Book. A AAron a Type, Page 116 ._ His Rod, its Myftery, 409 Abel a Type 115 Abraham a Tipe, 80 -_-His Difpenfatíon, 3r a-___ --HisSeetl, what ? 31 173 ,Jaac,lacob,fhadow forth the Trinity,81 --A Typical Head, 82 179 ------TheHigheft Example ofObedience,82 The firft godly Soldier, 83 Ifaac, Jacob, David, whymentioned in the Saints Prayers, 6 Asbitopbel, a Type of Judas, 57 107 Adam, his Difpenfation, 22 A Type, 53 64 His Marriage Typical, 65 124 Eve. and their Seed, the Church, 32 Aniverfary-Days, 440 441 4ó8 Antichrili, Vide Popery. Antiochus a Type, 57 142 408 Anritype, what Names it has in Scripture, Apoflafy, 226 Apoflafies feveral, 26 29 32 36 38 40 43 Apparitions, Vide Vifions Application of Chrift, Typed, 200 201 228 252 289 310 318 420 454 Ark of Noah, a Type 73 326 406 Of the Covenant, ----What was in it, 409 410 Its feveral Removes, 327 328 If in the second Temple ? 42 321 513 Arts, their Invention, 24 I Afcentions into Heaven, 67 oo 1 1 1 Affurance signified by Peace-Offering, 525 How te, be Sought, 33 Atonement, the great Day of, 450 Axes and Hammers, none in Temple Work,342 6o 395 His Sin imputed, 65 Allegories, not always lies fit e, 123 Not fafe for Man to make'em, 55 129 When to be made, 344 An loftanteof Popish Allegories, 518 Almond-Tree, 409 Alms a Duty, So 217 276 416 424 447 Altar of Chrift, what 124. 201 %77 363 Bowing to it, 208 279 371 374 To be Compafied about, 201 373 Of Burnt -Offerings, 364 388 402 Incense, 253 400 402 428 Of the Heart, 368 Original of Altars, 365 Hornsof it, 369 457 -®Of Wood, how not burned, 365 Angels, 15 131 133 408 Animals allowed for Food, 23 27 189 195 B BAal, use and abuse of the Word, 493. Babel, why Built, 6 162 Babylon aType, 4 57 Backfliaingdangerous, 327 Man's proneness to it, 32 Baptifra, the initiating Seal, 183 381 Should be Publick, 136 _- - -Doth not make, but fuppofe Member ship, 181 The Timeof it not limited, 175 ----- By Eire, 337 Sprinkling, 320 321 526 Shewed by Cireumcition, 183 By the Pillar of Cloud, 136 the Waters of 1toaab, 73 76
Bartey Cffthe Water f the e Red.Sea, 157 Bath, b Mea£ure, 378 3 535 Bath-guol, 514 Bees dean and unclean, 23 27 195 283 Believers Typed or Signified, 154 156 215 337 339 357 363 397 Bells on Aaron's Robe, 503 Betbefda-Pool, a Type, 15o Bifliop, 493 530 Blood forbidden, how and why, 28 239 --poured and Sprinkled; the meaning, 200 201 252 253 254 289 309 318 D1 unit by Tartar :, 23 239 Boam,their ufe taught by Nature, 27 Bodies of Saints tender'd by God, 416 Booths, dwelling in them, 424 Brafs, what itfïgnifies, 365 Brazen Serpent a Type, 145 Breaflplate, 5 07 Burning-bulb, 132 326 Burnt Offering, 194 228 33t 525 Burning, the sacrifice, what, 204 .1 7°ABLE, &c. C --His Death pttrebafétb, his Infereefli . app, 5 The Eliesxtent ofhis Death His two Natá res fhadow'd forth, '. 134 148 201 207315 317 356 368 369 443 455 Not feparated byDeath, 2o7 His two States Typed, 315 316 443 452 456 His three Offices fhadow'd forth, 393 His Priefthood typed, 368 369 402 His Adminiftration to pafs away, to fay fo is Blafphemy, 407 Muff not be Divided, 421 His Aftive and Pafliva Righteoufnefs fhadow'd forth, 214 215 272 39S 409 12 His B408 irth, w4hen, 419425 ------His Birth, Baptifm, Age, Death, 419 427 448 449 His Circumcifioa part of his Suffer- ings and Atonement, 181 18-2 200 His PerfeFt Fulnefs, 117 126 144. 152 193 225 263 270 277288 311 317 334 412 513 519 Took our Sinlels Infirmities, 452 495 Howoft hebled for Sinners, 200 A Pria in both Natures, 124 201 316 369 528 A Matadi?, how 104 120 Chri/fmas, t5o 41942643, 432 433 449 462 470 472 And other £uch Times, . the right way of Keeping 'em, 433 Chronologie, or Account 'of Periods, 49 340" 4 Churc30 h, V448 ifible, Militant, Triumphant, 171 35f7 the N. T. Typed by Ifrael, 54 118 161 ByNoah's Ark, 73 By other Things, 54.118 132 17z 198 357 362 390 393 395 396 443 506 5o8 Chriff to be found in it, 132 139 335 Purity preffed, 75 219 232 233 278 285 287 288 295 -297 304.324 3/6 337 342 343 346 347 357 39e-35 397 410422 533 A Place of Light, Safety,: Glory, tic. 75 132 135 136 15o 158 343 344 412 No Salvation out of it, 75 139 Particular,. what 179 The Seat of Worfhip, 198 330 335 336 389 415 .-5-m C41f-molten, 36 439 Intended for a Sign or Type, 53 ----Had a Caufal influence into all their Afiiaions, 39 Call of God, 496 526 532 Canaan Holy and Typical, 31 155 16o 171 180 276 322 326 -Why the Fathers wou'd be buried there. 1So Candles in Churches, 393 CandleflickGolden, 388 Captivities, 40 Cafes of Confcienee, 73 260 264 266 321 Catholick, ufe and abufe of the Word, 493 Cedar, hyffop,and Scarlet, 309 316 317 Cenfer Golden, 401 402 Ce,emonirs, 59 190 197 207 208 277 303 Ceremonial -Law, a Rich Cabinet, 61 Rules give place to Moral, 397 -----Uncleannefs, 260 281 31I Chambers of the Temple, 352 358 Chancels, +3,5o Charibtof the Cherubims, 408 Charity; Vide Alms. Cherubim:, 5-6'66 40841.0 411 Chewvivg the Cud, what, 284 Chittim lignifies the Romans, 116 Chris the 'rccurer of all Blefiings under both Teftaments, 5 7 176 334
A ?'Al LF_, &c; - -To be joined .to, 179 135 336 393 Her Officers may not make Laws, 168 -------Muft be of Chrift's appointment, 440 483 484 Rules about it, 342 - -May confift of a Few, 304 395 May Err, 250 Some rend themi-elves from it, 296 ---- -Fier part in Excommunication, 303 May withdraw from the Paftor, 30.E --May appoint occa Tonal¡Eafts,C5c. 441 468 -- May not make Holy -Days, 462 .May not make Sacraments, 53 Cburciing of Women, 286 CircumciJion, 31 55 170 173 --Was the Initiating Seal, 170 181 183 What Covenant it related to, 170 176 ----Whatrefpea it had to the Covenant,181 Reafons of its Infìitution and Abolition, 174 175 How long it was in force, 538 Why upon the Eighth -day, 175 ---Why called theCovenant, 175 A Sign, a Seal, a Sacrament, 55 1S t Of the N. T. is Baptifm, 183 Held forth Regeneration, 3 Chrift's Sufferings and Righteouí nefs, 181 132 Mortification, 182 The Covenant of Grace, 17o 176 Baptifm, 183" Cities of Refuge 326 Clean and unclean Beafls, and why, 23 195 283 and unclean Place, 204 Cloatbing for Adam and Eve, 23 202 203 Spiritual, 202 -- Decent, 517 Comfort, 70 77 79 80 108 117 144 209 371 386 398 405 FIo r to be Sought, g3 Communias, pure, Vide Church-Purity. Table, not an Altar, 201 277 371 Concealment of ones Knowledge, 259 Çonfefon, when one is called to it, 260 Signswhen 'cis right, 301 --Confecration of Priefts, 520 -- Of Levites, S32 Contrition, 403 453 Conveefion Typed, 150 155 157 Conviaion neceffary, 22 157 294 295 Convocations Holy, 415 424 442 Corruption of Man's Nature, 32,Vide Sin. Covenant, when aft afèd between God and Itlan, 27 Or Promife to Adam, 22 With Noah, 27 A Type of the Covenant of Grace, 73 77 With Abraham 31 82 177 178 Of Works and Grace Typed, 57 77 Si 93 Differenced 8 9 to 3469 82 Of Circumcifion, 173 Covert from Rain, 360 Courts of the Temple, 354 Creation was in that Month which is now the Seventh, 439 Since Adam, 77 133 Crois in Baptifm, 193 235 Of Wood, 354 368 Crucify forbidden, 28 239 Cubit, what, if two Sorts, 352 Curfe extends to the whole Creation, 72. Cyrus a Type, 116 339 D DAniel a Type, 116 David a Type, 53 58 91 106 Days of Fatting, E'ic. fhould be but Occafiù- nal, 449 468 Dayly Feeding on Chrift, 141 Deacons, 440 533 Dead railed 110 112 113 Defilement by them, 122 Works, what, 282. Dealing unjufily, 263 Decency, 517 Dedication of our felves fignified by Burnt- Offerings, 525 Signified by Heaving and Waving, 275 Of part of our Subf;ance a Moral Duty, So 276 ---The Feaft of, Vide Feaft. Degrees of Sin, 249 Delays in Religion dangerous, 242 260 Vide Early Obedience. Deliverancesof Ifrael Typical, 154 Delivering to Satan, 296 Deluge a Type, 76 162 Defiruilion of Enemies, Typical, 16 t Dew, what it fignifies, 140 Difierning things that differ, 284. Dijeipline, 24 75 390 393 410 --VideChurchPurity. Difpenfations or Diftoveriea of God, feveral 21 22 --.Why feveral, 43 -- Before and under the J.aw differenc'd, 22 Di viTot IIMMorrr
A f113 1, &c° Externals of Religion 327 340 409 456 Divi iota ofthe World, 29 Doeg a Type, 57 107 Doors ofthe Temple, 347 Doves, 206 Dreams, 16 Drink-Offerings 220 _Duties and Services wafhed in Chrift's Blood, and accepted only thro' Him, 317 382 403 404 406 422 456 457 More abundant under the Gofpel, 226 443 446 Is the way of fafety, 416 Dmelling, what, 338 E otto be tefted in, '8a F. E" to be fprinkled and anointed, 32c 321 529 Early Obedience, 140 151 234 238 242 260 424 Earthen Veffels, 256 257 317 Eaft, and Worship towards it, 200 206 353 354 373 Eafter, 150 431 432 449 462 465 Eating and Drinking lignifies Communion, 232 240 256 285 Signifies Faith, 256 42o Edom, a Type, 162 Egypt, and Deliverance thence, 37 54 154 156 161 163 Deliverance thence, the greateft Dilpenfationof Providence, 92 Eliakim a Type, 116 Elijah a Type, 9 109 ----Did not Eat raw Flefbi 110 Elifba a Type, 91 111 .Enoch a Type, 67 Enthufiafm, 33 Ephod. 5N. Eve a Type, 66 Evenings two to every Day, 419 Evennefs of Temper Commended, 220 Ever, Lverlaffing, Perpetual ; their mean- ing, 166 Evil not to be done that Good may come, 518 r'..4mdliar Speakings of God, 18 jj Faith an Infttumént, 310 Strong under theO. T. 4 Encouragements thereto, 1s. So 153 158 172 209 242 258 263 209 269 27o289 311 363 369371 385 412 all of Adam, when, 450 FaJe of Forty Days, 98 1 to Occafionai, but not fixt, may be ap- pointed by Magiftrates , or by Churches, 441 468 At the Day of Expiation, 450 Fat, its meaning, forbidden, how far, and Why, 236 Fathers, their Miftake, 368 372 Fear brings Men to God at firtl, 534 Feafts or Feftivals, 171 414 431 440 --And Faits, fixt and Occafional, 44-. 441468 Appointed by God, by Men,440 ----Things bad their Types, 57 145 162 Examination, a Duty, 69 fo what, 293 How, by Excoramunicatión, whet, whom, 296 ---An Excommunicate Perron mutt not be Companied with, 303 Experience to be tt ied by Scripture, 33 486 Expiation Featt, Vide Feaft. 441 -- Religious, and Civil, 440 General Rules about them, 415 Of the Paífover , or unleavened Bread, 417 433 Of Pentecoft, or Weeks, or Harveft, or Firft-Fruits, 422 434 Of Tabernacles, 424 Of Trumpets, 435 Of Expiation or Atonement,440 450 Of the Dedication and Purification, 440 441 470 Of Purim, Vide Purim. Fences to the Moral and Ceremonial Laws, 168 169 Filling the Hand, what, 526 Filth of Sin taken away by Chriß's Spirit, 171 240321 380 Fire, what, 204370 385 387 404 --Of Expiation and Purgation, 204 --- Offerings, 188 227 272 274 398 Of the Altar, 204.367 37o 511 Of the Lamps, 392 I.Iot kindledon the Sabbath,how 446 Fiery Furnace, 132 Firft -born Typical, 118 First-Fruits, 312 332 417 422 535 Flaying the Sacrifice, what, 201 Floor ót the Temple, 348 Foundatiots
A 7A B LE, &c. foundation of the Temple, 345 Fourfquare, 366 Fowls or Birds Ofered, 20; 2C6 Frankíncenfe in Orf.'rings, 213 -- . ----On the Shewbread, 396 Freewill a dangerous Opinion, 24 Of cring, 223 G Grdiner Stcpb.en, 263 Garments of the High-Prief, 530 Of Infericur P; iefìs, 530 Pnpifh, 149 516 Vide Clothing. Generationprefent, what is' the Work of it 278 Gibeonites. 359 379 53 Gideon a Type, 116 Girdles, 502 506 Glafs, ant Glafs windo,hs, and Looking-glal fes, 3.47377 381 God is our God, what, 3 177 178 His Name what, 329 Godly Men only, were Types of Chrifi, 63 452 499 117 .-.-----Not deceived by Satan's Visions, C5c. 18 Gold and precious Stones in the Temple, 346 Gomorrah a Type, 57 Gofpel, what, 3 Succeeds in the room of the Law,539 Preach'd under the O. T. 2 7 8 Blefl'ings, what, 3 Its Glory, 46 49 152 Preferable to the Law, 8 9 to 12 82 384 539 Signified by the Trumpets, 437 448 Grace the Spring of all good under both Te- ftaments, 5 Graces, Services,Z c. mull bewaffled in Chrift's Blood, 317 334 335 382 422 Guilt removed by Chrift's Blood, 171 208 321 38o H Cliftoms to be avoided, 191 200 240 354 *gods and Dables, whence, 24 '36 49 66 71 103 331 Heave-Offerings, 223 232 274 277 332 Heaven typed, 66 155 160 180) '328 343 357 Heber and Hebrew, 30116 Hebrew l'oiuts, 42 Heifer,, red, 30b Hell, Names and Types of it, 162 Hetekiah a Type, 116 Hierarchy, 150 530 High Places, 336 337 365 373 Hijiory of the Church before Char, 21 Holinefs, Inherent end Relative,. 325 Tranfient and Permanent, 326 A Separation for God, 325 More under GSpel than Law, 2'..6 446 Double, or doubly Holy, 186, 223, 233 274 277 367 Of Places, 325 326 329 332 350 Ho.'y Days: 414449 466 Of Holies; or Oracle, 252 347 35. Place or San:luary, 351 Places, 324 Water, 286 310 Homer, what Meafure it was, 139 Honey, commanded, 235 263 Forbidden, 217 219 263 Hoof parting, what, 284 Horns of the Altar, 369 457 Hofanna, 426 Hours, how ciunted by the Jews, Humbled enough, when, 5o Humiliation goes before Comfort, 89 to8 N,ceffary, 74 294 295 342 343 4.59 Hyf uip, 309 420 JAcob a Type, 85 His Ladder, 130 Idolatry, 30 36 278 473 fealoufie Offering, 223 lepthab a Type, 116 His Vow, 260 J'erico a Type, 161 lerufalem, Holy, and a Type, 54 328 -----.ItsNames or Titles, 329 leros indelibly convincedof Idolatry, 41 43 Stumble at Chrift, why, 41 i66 Not to be Converted till Antichriiff;'g fan, 41 FiveSees among them, 43 Their Nation taken by God as at GhArch, 36 33 jj HAbergeon, 504 Hagar a Type. 57 81 Hair, letting it grow, what, 121 Ham's Sin, and remarkable Curfe, 29 Hand on the Sacrifice, what, 198 Head unfound, a great Evil, 295 297 Health-drinking, 221 Heathens law the Necefiity of a Satisfaûion, 188 189 41945 I
Amomommil A 7'4 ---As a 'Coïnmonwealeh, 38 Typical, 1r8 276 Impenitent, all fcandalous Sinners are fo, 301 Imputation of Adam's Sin, and when, 65 OfChrift's Righteoufnefs, 65 79 182 202 208 384 385 5or 5o6 519 incenfe, 400 428 453 A Type of Chris's Interceflion, 6 253 4O2 403 453 454 529 A Type of Prayer, 54 397 403 453 To be offered daily, 4oz Succeeded Sacrifice, 190 17/he/frame prumifed to Abraham, what, 18o infaiibility of the Pope, 248 Infpiration, 17 InJtitution is the Rule of Worship, 14.9 153 18.9 193 195 219 235 262 275 277 306 342 366371 451 452 477 486 Interceon founded in Satisfafticn, 253 402 406 Interrceff7 o s for one another, are not Media tors, 4c6 interpretation, a Rule for it, 232 401 Inventions of Men, 207 432 484 486 ; Vide Inftitution. lnve(titure into Office by Sacrifice, 273 Yob a Type, 116 5onah a Type, 58 91 113 gordan Typical, 159 Yofeph a Típe, 55 85 Yofhua a Type, 91 92 fco The High Prieft, a Type, ,15 yofta a Type., 116 )faze a Type, 83 lfmiael a Type, 57 81 iß-ael a Type, 54 118 5o6 5o3 Iubile, 448 459 fudab a Type, 116 5udgment, various Sentes of it, 507 50 yudgments for the.People's Sin, rather than Rulers, 40 251 5ulian the Apoltate, 268 i 3f ftiee among Men, regarded greatly by God, 358 3fuflification, perfeft, and alike in all Believers. 139 387 --Before Sanaification, 321 522.525 By Faith, 289 310 384 386 Shadow; d forth by theNatarites,122 by the MoltenSea,383 184'385 K T(EJs of the Clutch fl tifred by Temple Doors, 347 B L E, &c. Killing theSacrifice, r99 316 Kings were Typical, 124 Kingdom of God, what, 1?9 Knowledge a Help to Faith, 12 L LAmb; Chrift compared to one, 417 Lamech a Type, 116 Lamps in the Temple, whether they Burnt Night and Day, 392 Languages or Tongues, their Divifion, 3a Lavers in the Temple, 375 Law or Covenant of Works, 93 94 95 Abrogated, 95 Its Defcription, or general Nature, 168 In the Ark what, 403 Or Legal Difpenfation, 8 34 Exceeded that before it, 22 34. How short of our Gofpel Dilpen- fation, 8 9 to 34 82 93 Moral, Ceremonial, Judicial,37 168 Much in the N. Teftament, 8 Of Mojes, whether a Covenant of Works or Grace, 93 171 ------Had,Fences or Hedges about it, 168 169 Prepares for Chritt, 95 534 -----Or going to Law, 447 Of Men, 125 168 Leadnot tiled in the Temple, 348 Leaven Commanded, 218 235 263 Forbid, 217 263 4i7 42 r Taken in a good Senfe, 235 In a bad Senfe, 2r8 236 421 Leavingor depar Ling from Church,Fellowfloli, 296 Lelhure days, 468 Leper might be a Godly Man, 305 His Expulfion Typical, 296 Leprofie, 291 313 Was Typical, 57 291 323 Letters when Invented, 37 Levites, 531 ----rTheir Work, .527 532 Typical of Gofpel Minifters, 54 Light External, internal, 348_ Lives or Ages of Men, 35 - Lords-Day Holy, 333 The only Day required arts, 449 Preaching mull be on it, 396 Colle&ionsto be made thereon, 416' Supper not to be carried to theSick, 415 was
A 7.ßt B .r----Was every Sabbath, 451 Typed by the Meat- Offering, 216 222 Not a Sacrifice, 372 Lot, what, 455 Lucky, and unlucky times, 444 Lyirg, 265 M Magifîracy, when firft given, 28 Magifirates, 260 411 To be Obeyed, 38 40 251 .- .--- Should provide Preachers, 533 day appoint Occafional Faits or Thankfgivings, 463 Male Sex more Worthy, 418 Manna, 54 137 396 408 511 Manners divers in whichGod fpake, 13 lìeafons why God fofgake, 43 Marriage is not a T5 pe, 58 Nota Sacrament, 58 65 Mixt cenfured, 26 42 Not to be forbidden, 125 Mafs, 277 323 354 372 373 474 493 Meats nut to be fe rbidden, 28 286 287 bleat-Offering, 210 228 272 398 Separate and join'd with other Of- ferings, 224 Mediators of Interceftion, 436 Meditation, 284.397 Meeknefs and Zeal fhou'd go together, 96 Meeting-Houles, 334 350 Melchifedeck, 68 7.7 73.79 Memberfhip proceeds Baptifm, 181 Memorial, what, 214 Mercy only through Chrift, 5 6 454 455 Rather than Sacrifice, 397 4.16 Seat, 4o7 408 411 454 Islekhurelab, 25 115 Miniffers ungodly, fonìetimes nfed by Chrift, 73:11t HowPriells, and how not, 171 372 493 Maintenance, 203 214 232 536 Typed by Priefts, 49? Are Counfellors and Supporters,232 .-..,_.AreLights, 348 Their Sins-are great, 249 250 Retain or remit Sir); 29.2 3C3`315 Part in Excommunication, 3.a2 May withdraw from the People, 304. Signified by Chcrubims, 411, By Oxen, 381 .-- --By Candlefticks, 391 LE, &c. Their Dignity, Holinefs, Call, Qua- lifications, 397 409 410 411 452 453494 496 504 525 526 Mutt not follow another Calling,536 Have no Jurifdic'3ion one over ano- ther, 15o 530 In rulat Way They may expel} the Holy Spirits Afíiftance, '537 Mini(by, a- Fruit of Chrifi's Afcentton, and an of his Blood, 524 Miracles wrought by Chrift, 99 Were Symbolical, 314 By Mofes, 99 By ,leJbua, for By Elijah, Ito By Elifha, 112 Difference between thole wrought by Chrift and by Mofes, 99 If Ceafed A 20 Mitre of Aaron, 514 Months 5emijh, how reckoned, 445 Moons New, 441 Morality inluffìcient, 208 270 334 345 358 385 386 399 454 455 Moriab Mouut, 34o Mof¿sa Iy.pe, 53 91 92 A Iypical Mediator, 7 54 97 98 -- His Difpeniation, 8 3492 It was not a Covenant of Woks, 8 93 171 It was like to it, and a Type of it, 8 93 Was Prophet, Prielt, King, 58 T. The greateft Man in the World, 92 96 His Sin which excluded him Canaan; 94 144 --His Body Buried, 95 too --Railed and Akended,5oo 115 Mount jr a^sfi,_uration, 326 IVlourningtcr ri,r Dead forbid, 497 Mufick ins firft Ir,vetition, 24 Vocal', taught by Nature, 24 'Accompanied all Sacrifices, 190 Moral, Ceremonial, 590 In Worfhip, 436 439 476 N '.,'Ails paring, what, 319 i Name ..f God, what, 329 Nattonal Judgments; `Vide Judgments: Worship, anAdvantage, 36 38 Natarites, 119 Chrift was Ones 104 120 1Yetef ary
A TA 13L F, &c: I'eecjiz y <3 1^4cceflity, 241 359 360 Nethinirrs, 379 5 3 3 Neru,,Moons, 441 Nezv- Teíament contains much Law, 8 -- Explains the Old, 401 Ninevites Repentance, 114 Noah hisDifpenfation, 26 A Type, 68 71 His Ark the beginning of Shipping, 27 His Sacrifice a Type, 73 76 And thole with him the,Church, 395 North fide of the Altar, 199 277 Novation Error refuted, 324 O OAth, to doan unlawful thing, 26o Obedience the hitheft Infiance of it, 82 Shouldbe more under the Gofpel than Law, 226 Offerings, what, 185 ewifb and ours differenc'd, i85 Vide Sacrifices. Officers in the Church, who they be, and by whom appointed, 440 483 484 Of the Temple, 17 Old-Teltament, why fo called, 7 Difpenfation, its Differences from the New, 8 Contains much Gofpel, 8 Clofed by Malachi, 43 One only Way of Salvation, 8 45 93 Open, uncovered Laver, what, 382 Oracles-of the Heathen, 331 Oral, Tradition, 22 34 35 Orders or Ranks of Men Typical, 117 Among Papifts, i25 Ordinances Typed, 136 150 370 381 396 42o Of the Gofpel, what, 3o5 Ordinances mull be Sprinkled, 201 456 523 Should be Publick, 136 --Not tobe refred in, 183 Outer Court to be leftout, 342 357 Oxen lignifie Minifters, 381 Oil in Offerings, 212 321 ..--In Cleaning, 321 In Confecrations, 367 522 --- Signified the Holy Spirit, 212 321 370 Not in fome Offerings, and why, 213 I' Pill or Pallium, 504 Parables a double ufe of them, 9 -dace Argumentative, 63 Paradicea Type, 66 Partition-Wall, 174 283 357 Parts of Worlhip, J3o 36a PafcalLambaType, 54417' -Was a Sacrifice, 229 273 Pafbver, Vide Feafts. Patriarchs, three of 'em propagated Religion 2000Years, 35 Peace -Offering, 226 273 525 Peace of the Church made a pretence, 279 True and falle diftinguiíhed, 79 i08. Penitent, if to be Excommunicated, 301 To be re-admitted, 324, Pentecoff, Vide Feafts. Perjury, 265 Perfecution cenfured, 82 208 239 266 Perfonal Types, 63 Pharaoh a Type, 57 Pillar ofCloud and Fire, 38 59 100 1i7 Of Brais in the Temple, 359 338 Plate of Gold, 515 Points Hebrew, 42 Pomegranates, what, 503 Pool of Berhefda aType, i 5 o Popery,28 49 »125 156 162 191 204 243 248 250 277 279 286 322 323 326 332 345 354 369 384 393 4o6 415 441 449457 516 518 530 Porch or5 510 Tower of the Temple, 349 350 361 353 Pouring out the Blood, 200 254 Prayer accepted only in Chrift, 253.403 404 457 And Thankfgiving with all Offerings, Typed by the Incenfe, 253 403 Should accompany Preaching, 397 404 What is Right, 403 404 453 454 Should be Morning -and Evening, 404. Anfwered by TerribleProvidences, 253 404. Preachingmuft be every Lords -day, 396 Preface of God, 136 198 329 333 338 343 Prefumption, 673 ,---Shut out byRepentance, 270 Prieffs, and Legal PriefihQod, 491 Derivation of the Word, 493 Twenty Four Courtes of them, 428 429 --Wee Types, 57 123 1.71 How , Gofpel. Minifters are Priefts, 171 493 How not, 171 372 493 All Believers are fo, 397 493 526 How the differed from the Hi h-Prieff, 529 .Did
A TABLE,& --Did Typically beat Sin, 256 528 None Anointed , but the High Priems, 247 The High Prieft aboveall the Cour- les, 428 Continued during Life, 429 Qualifications and Obfervancesi494 Work, 527 Their Office never Vacant, 123 ._-- - -Their Garments, Vide Garments. k'romiTe to .Adam, 22 Prophets and Preachers before the Flood, 25 Were Types, 123 Pulpit, 360 Purgatory, 204 472 Purifications, 17o 306 Purim, 440 469 Pyramids, 155 Q s 140 Quakers, 266 R RAinbow, 27 77 A Sign of the Covenant of Grace, 27 73 77 376 Raptures and Ravifhments, 33 Rebellion condemned, 38 4o Red, what that Colour lignifies, 307 Red-Sea, why fo called, 157 And Paffage thro' it Typical, 157 Reformation from Popery, 162 323 Regeneration, what, 3 Repentance excludes Prefumption, 270 421 Signs of its not being right, 30s Whether it may flay Excommunica- tion ? 301 Reproach of Chrift to heBorn, 255 309 kefervednefs blamed, 292 Reflitution neceffary, 262 264 Revelations extraordinary, Q if ceafed ? 20 DifFerenced from Delufions, 18 Of Iobn, fomewhat Opened, 118 r ? i3 375 Robe of the 132 133 ó Rock a Type, 542 Rome devoted to Defiruaion, 502 162 25o 251 ------All who help her, Cuffed 102 162 Several Types of her 161 Rood, and Rood -loft, 354 Roof of the Temple, 348 453 SAbbath before Mofes's time, 141 445, Not to be every Day, 433 How Moral, how Typical, 66 t24 444 460 Chritlian, 175 445 461 462 MoD, and Duty on that Day, 446 Three Sorts of Sabbaths, 444 Sacraments not to be made by the Church, 13 Or Signs of Spiritual Thingsalways given by God, 23 5262 Are Vilible Promifès, 55 Of the O.T. Types of ours, 56 How they differed from outs, 181 Not to be carried to the Sick, 415 Sacrifices, 170 184 332 271 Not from the Light of Nature, but inftitured, 23 189 Mutt be brought to the Temple, £7c. t90 197 213 330 331 334. Their Their Nature, ends, t5c. 184 Holy, and mofl Holy, ,86 123 133 274 277 t Small, why appointed, 205 322 Divers Difiributions of them, 184 185 186 192 211 272 Rules Rules about them, 189 Ceffation fbadowed, 426 Salt ufed in Sacrifices, 190 203 253 Samaritans, and Samaritan- Chritiairs, ,6o Samfon a TYPe, 54 91 103 Samuel a Type, 116 Sanflification follows Jollification, 321 Shadow'd forth by Nalarires, I21 Specially held forth by the Meat- Offering, 217 228 Sanftuary, 351 Satan, Delivering a Perfon to him, what 296 SarisfaEEtion Neccffary, 187 193 208 231 311 312 454 455 Saul a Type of Judas, to7 Scaffold of Brafs, 359 Scape Goat, 315 455 457 Scarlet, 350 Scripture the belt Interpreter, 6, 257 344 356 Excels Oral Tradition, 34 35 Sea under the Curfe as well as Earth, 72 Seaand Lavers in the Temple, 375 388 Of Glafs, 375 383 Seed promifed to Abraham, what 35 178 e Separatic
itSLE, &é.. separation of Godly from Wicked, 24 25 304 Vide Cbureh.Purit5s. Seraphims, 146 Serpents, 146 Seth a Type, 115 Steven; Inftances, and meaning of that Num- ber, 252 309 318 391 454 Seventh Day, Vide Sabbath. Seventh Month, 436 439 Seventh Year, 447 Shadow, what, 52 169 Shaving the Head, what, 318 Shekel, 352 .thew-bread, 224 394 Shiloh, 327 Sibyls underfiood not their own Prophe> ties, 19 Signs and Wonders, 17 Outward, of Spiritual Things, always given, 23 52 62 Of a Chriftian under a lowDifpen- fation, 33 Of Grace, 69 79 97 108 270 293 31.9 358 364 387 398 406 Are Seals of the Covenant, 181 Sin, 147 155 208 246 2S7 287 29.1 304 322 --- ---Againft the Holy Ghofil, 266' The fame Thing may be a Sin and Judgment, 40 Offering, 243 273 525 ----For which no Sacrifice, 245 265 Degrees of Sin, 249 None Venial, 257 _Of Rulers and People, 40 25 t g---- Unknown, Pardon of it mu' be fought, 260 Frefumptuous, of Ignorance, and a- gainft Knowledge, 245 246. Sinai Mount, Holy, 326 snuffers, 390 393 394 Srecinians, 375 4odom a Type, 5.7 83 161 163 Solomon a Type, 91 103 107 Soveraigny of God,, 47 150 151 196 263 275 339 340 Spirit of God fignified by Watery. 142 143. By Oil, 212 321 391 392 By Fire, 370 391 Sprinkling, what, 200 201 252 253 289 309 318 42J Is fuf 454 e int, 273 320 32.1 379 526 standards of Weights and Meafures, 353 358 Stones on which the Law was written, 511 Stiperf#ition condemned, 193 20,7 208 277 286 322 350 371 460471473 5t6 Supper. Vide Lord's Supper. Surplice, 207 279 501 SsifMenfion, 299 302 Symbols or vifible Signs of God's Pretence, 23 38 62 329 Synagogue Worlilp, 3.30 350 479 319 T TAoernacle, 171 326 327 338 At Gilgal, Shiloh, Yob, Gilieon, &c.. 327 T--Vide Feafts. Table ofShear-bread, 394 Of the Lord, not an Altar, 277 371 Tables of the Covenant, 410 511_ Temple, 39 171 326 330 338 -- Officers, 171 Of Zerubbabel, 41 What Things It wanted, 41 513 Tenth, or other fit part to be given to God, 8o 276 Thankful enough, when, 5o 423 Tbankfulnefs, 305 42.2 423.442446 Taught by the Sacrifices, 277 Follows Forgivenefs, 422 a Theft, 263 Theocracy was the Jewifh- Government, 38 Three, or the third Day, Myftical, 234 Throne of Grace, 407 Thumb and Toe to be fprinkled, 320 321.525 Teses fundry in which God fpake of Old, 21 Tithes, 332 535 537 Topbet a Type, 163 Transfiguration Mount, 326 Tranfubfiantiation, 5 t0 Trees facramental, 23 66 In the Temple, 346 Trefpafs Offering, 259 273 Trinity typed. forth, 81. Trumpets, their Inflitution, Llie, f:/c. 436 4$m Fide Rafts. Turcifm, what, 49 Turks let iuto the Chriftian World in Anfwer to Prayer, 253 405 Troelve, 395 Two Birds, and two Goats, why, 3.15 455 Types a double ufe of them, 9 What in general, 17 52 Their Defcription, 51 Belong to, and are inftituted by the fecund Commandment, 53 --- How to be known, 53,129 .61401
7'AB ......Mot to made by Men, 53 55 129 Are Scales as well as Signs, 55 -- Relate not only to Chri1's Perfon, but to his Benefits, and to all Gofpel Moteries, 56 81 93 109 145 149 153 275 ..- ----Of Evil Things as well as good, 57 145 Their Difference from other Things of a like Nature, 58 59 237 ...., -Their proper and borrowed Senfe, 59 -- Their feveral Scripture Names, 6o Their General Diftribution, 63 Why God fpake by them, 62 Rules about them, 53 6i 63 e29 257 344 356 How they Shadow, 52 169 None before the firft Gofpel Promife, 56 65 Agree not in all Things with the Antitype, 57 Arbitrary and Fixt-, 58 237 Partial andTotal, 57 58 64 Perfonal, 63 Their Ends, 129. ---To retain 'am now, a denyal of the Gofpel,. 150277'287 302 371-393 431 449 Real, 127 Occafional, t27 .---Perpetual, 165.. May be accommodated feveral ways, -Their Meaning how to be found out, 480 They are Abolifhed, 539 typical iiiftories were true Hifories, 128 ----Orders or Ranks of Men, 117 V. Al, V upon Mo/es, 93 Vail of the Temple, 252 351. 356 389 Vrjlils belonging to the Tabernacle and Tem- ple, 60 Violence, 26459 3 Vifions, 14 'Unbelief, the Evil and Danger of it, 2 II 23.50 94 147 335 LE, &c: 'Unclean till the Evening, 256 3 to Might not eat of the Sacriftes, 232 233 422 Vncleannefs, Moral, Ceremonial, 170 260 281 282 311 Natural inftituted, 283 'Wien, what, 247 370 'Union with Cbrift, 65 207 Before Communion,. 399.. ,. vnprofitablenefs, the Caufe of it, 2 Voices, 17 514 Vow, 228 Vrim and Thummim, 509 w X V7Alls of the Temple, V V Wafbings, 3203318319 380452 522 Water, what it liignifies, 143 310 316'319 Wave Offerings, 223 232 274 277 Weeks, Vide Feafts. Weights and Meafures, 35335.8 Wheat in Offerings, 211 Wbitfuntide, 150 431 449 Wicked Men could not be Perfonal Types of - Chrift, 63 117. Wildernefs, and march thro' it, 38.158. Windows of the Temple, 347 351 Wine in Offerings, 221 222 Forbidden, 121 222 Wifdomof God its variety, 46 Without the Camp, what, 204254 255 308' Wonders and Signs, 17 Work to be refrained, when, and when not, 441 x}67 Worfbip, Moral and Ieftituted, 330 335 350 Pure, prefs'd, 206 207 212 219 277 Writing, when invented, 37 Y12ar how computed by the Jews, 44a Erubbabel a Type, 91 115 339 - / zeal mould be withMecknefs, 96
E R R A T A. PAge It. I.3%. r. Fathers. p. tr. 1. 30, for once r.one. p.n. to p.p. in the Rooming .Titre. r SundryTcmes. p.39.14.r. z.There were. p.45.1.14.r.yo/rn.13.34. 1.15. r. i John z. p,57.I.15. deleColon. p.6o 1.3. after forma, r. a p.65.1.16. for did,r.doth. p.68.1.24. for 9o.r7r. r.z. The Delugea Type of p.76.1.5.r. and gone. p.82.1.18 .r. turnaride unto Harrar. So a I3elíe- ver that. p 84.1.3o.for this r his. p.io8.1.18.r.Ishis. p.110.1.3. del ['Jafter Elijahm,r. [' ] after hiebrew, penult. r.manifeft, p. rsz1.18.r. Church-State.1.3 t.for theEden. r.Edom. p.133. 1. 9. for ofr. part ofAntichrift, p.136. 1. 17. r. to them, p. 139.1. 24. after them, r. to, p. 143. 1. 5. d. puntIum, p. ,45.1. 5. forSpiritually r. Scripturally, p. 146. 1. 7. for whole r. old, p. 147.1.5. del. fo, P. 148.1.4. for God r. Gold, 1. 27. after his r. Son, p. 152. nit. r. held forth, p. 156.E i 1I. r. frowardly, p. x59.1. 2. r. applies, p.167. 1.7. r. fixteen hundred, p.t7z. 2,i. for77,78. r. 60,61. p. 188. 1.30. afrer Sacrifice r. of, p.193,1.11. for ( . ) r. (,) P. 194. Margin, for zoo r. 191. p.199.1.6. after Altar r.ïe r.1. 1.9. r. flay it, p. zoo. 1.35. r. Mat.z6.28. p.2or.1.27. r. Na- ture to the, p. to6. 1.33. after were r. not, p,2,18. 1. 28.r.leavened,p.zzo.l.4.r.away'with it,p.zzI. ult.for 252.r.zoo. p.zzz.l.7.r.Rue, l.iz. for q.r.3. p.227.1.6,36. & 22,9. I.27.& 2,30.1. 9. 24,33, r. Rites,p.2 2.l.2z.r.thy Peace-offering, 1. 27. after then r. thy Faith, p.245.1.1. r. clearnefs,1.3r. r. concerneth,penult. r. have,p.247.1.21.r.anointed,p.25S.antep. r. sreeray, p.268. 1. 18. for be, r.he,p.283.1.18.del.1.1.zo.r.1. That, p.3x7.1.4. for fromr, by, p.3zo.1.22.for I r. 2.. p.3211.3. r. where, by, p335.1.2.3. for to r. of, p.3399 Marg. for 409 r. 324. 1.16.deI.6. p312.1.9.r-. Mount, as did Mofes, p.3ß5.1.34. for and. r. And, 135. r. Temple, it, p. 352.1. 33. for above r. about, P. 355.1.35.r. where, by, p356.1.26.r. z Chron.3.14. p, 37o.í.16. for this Ordinance r.It, p.371.1.35. r. groffeft p. 79.1.16.r. wafh in : Tee, p.386.1.1 t.r. ThisFountain, p.415.1. 8. r. fet Times, p. 418.1.24. for Verf. r. Chap. p.425. antep. r. eight, penult r. eighth, p. 440. 1. t 1. r. feventh, p. 443 ult. r. 4`17`ìs P.452. 1.23. for 653 r52' p456.1.5. for 398 x.315. v.458.1.25. for 244 r. 144. 1. 26. for 285 r.226.1.3o.for299.300 r. 323 r. 256. penult.for 321.322 r. 254.255, p468. 1. is. r. bac, p.480. 1.22. r. Conventurrm,p.5oo.l.ro.r. ufe, P.5o8.1.36.de1.. you,1.38. r. you have, p.510 1.27. r. Oracular, p.518.I.27. r. Heaven andEarth, p.525.1.8. for 248 r. 197. P. 530. 1.37. for Thisr. I.The, p. 534.1. i del. as. From 228 to 137 in the RunningTitles, for Perfonal, r. Occafional.
i lJ Qg O S "O Before the Law, xi, 4 inthree Periods, tr 0 0 Viiions. 14 of ' Dreams. 16 Voices. 17 Infpirations 17 1 Indivers Man-.3 Types. 17 Hers, 13. By Wonders. 17 Intimate fami.. L Rarity 18. hr G O D < son. Fate Spirit. Angels, ig Other.Things. 16 .1 fromAdam to The Firit Promife, 12. Noah2.2. when Outward Signs,as Sacrifices, &C. z; GOD reveal'd Church - Difcipline, and Separation from Himfelfby the Ungodly74 Railing up Prophets, &C. xs Saved 'em in the Ark, 27 Renew's' his Covenant, and gave the Rain- bow for a Sign, 2.7 Enlarg'd theirFood,allowing 'em.Amimals,'7 Reftrain'd the Eating Blood, x8 Gave 'em Magiftracy, x8 Divided theWorld among 'em, 29 t.D From Noah to Abraham, a6, in which DIf- penfation God From Abraham to Inwhich r From Mofes to Solo- rnon'sTemple, 37 Vnder theLaw + 34 including InFour Intervals 4 Mofes, 31 Abraham's Call. Promife ofa Seed, Promife of Canaan, Circumcifion, Deliveranceout of Egypt, 37 Giving the Law, 37 God's taking the Jewifh Nation for his Chierch, and for his Kingdom. 38 Giving Vifibie Tokens of hisPrefence,38 Leading them thro' the Defart to Ca- naan, 38 From the Temple to the Captivity, 39 Jehoiakim's & Daniel's, The Time of the Captivities,4r Jeconia's & Ezekiel's, Zedekiab's & Jeremiah's. (The Time of the Second Temple, 41. The Clironolog'i of the whole, from the Creation, 49. b Types
Their Defcription, 5t,. 51 IatKre I Rulesfor better underftanding Them 5; +S Difference and Agreement between , and other Things of like Nature 8 Wordsand Phrafes by which TYPES are exprefs'd, 5ß i Keafons why GOD fpake by Them, 6z fBefore the ++ILaws64 _ ,,3dans, 64 Enoch, 67 Noah, 71 Melchizedek,T7 .Rbraham, 80 Ifaac, 83 feph,886 ( Individwal 4 fMo es, 9z 70 a ioD Sampfón, lc; Thyroid, 106 Solomon, 107 (,vnderthe Law, 9I---- 5 Elijah, tog 1'°" , IeNation, I t 8 , 113 rFirft-Born It8 Zerubahel, I15 Tg ipl orders ' ; ,j<o¡hwa the LotYierfons .II 1azarires, a1g l Prieft, 1t5. r 7 Prophets, 113 Priefts, 113 Kings, Iz4 fPerfonal, 63 Real, 127 t Perfons,ó3 1 .. on fOccafional I H i 117 j i Jacob's Ladder, 130 Mofes's Burring-Buf1t132, Pillar ofCloud Eire 133 Mann a, 137 The R oc IDeliverance out of E- Brazen Sererpenen t, 14S Waters of Bethefdes, ISo Qypt, 154 Pottage thro' theSea,157 fDeliverances of March thro' theWilder- Ged's People, 154 nefs, Paffage thro' 158 jord4n.t59 Entrance IntOCanaan.160 AFtiotu, i Deliverance out of Ba- L bylon, 160 L DeftruQion of E- L nemies, 161 lPerpetuel Jr, a The Cerelnoni al Law, HI. Sodom, E ersc yphot, , as Types of Edem Rome, 161 Babylon ín1the Deluge, "asTypes Sodoopm, of Hell, 7opb r. I61 Types_
I Sdgn, Or, Exterttal Part, 174 1111:gery t Or, What = Cove- nant it relates' to, 175 fCircumcifion, 170, 173. J. Not to the Covenant of Works. 116 To be a GOD to Abraham, 178 CGreat Seed, the Mefiah+ To give ) r78 Hirn Chard, Seed, 179 Seed, BelieririgJewi Seed,i 9 r78,vizl Ingrafted GentileSeed,179 To provide an Inheritance: 'So As a Seal, 181 'what Rèfpe.`E irhas to As,holding forth CHRIST 's Sufferings, 18t this Covenant, 181 Efpeeially CHRIST 's Righteoufnefs, tés . It çefpeEìed Mortifecation,lSz It íhado d forth Baptifm, 183 of the He , i 96 Burnt-Offering,194 of theFlo k, zos Wat-Offering, 210 of Fowls, 205 H Sacrifices, 184 Peace-Offering, zz6 + Tref afs Offering, 259 ConfFecration-Offeritig, z7r; 65; UncleanEating &Touchings, 283 I f Ceremonial Zincleannefs, z8z, By--1 Unclean Iffues, 290 c The Leprofie, 291 Matter of theSacrifice, To the Cove -, nant ofGrace 177 implying 271 Sin Offering, 243- Ceremonial Purifications, cleanfings, from z81 306 where confider4 3 0. Unclean Eating &Touch -1 306 ings, confider Rites about it, 308 Uncleanlffues,where con-) 323 ì Preparative, 14 Leprofie,3 i 3. Means were Execu- after, 3sg fider Rites, 313 IHowCeremonial Cleanfing Typified Spiritual, 282 t HOLY PLACES, Vide Prox_ Pag. t~ Feftivals, 414' Paffover, 417 Feafts Pentecoft, 422 Tabernacles, 424 Trumpets, 476 Expiation, 44o, 450 NewMoons,441 Seventh Day, 444 Sabbaths, 444 Seventh Year, 447 FiftiethYear, or Jubilee, 448 I Prieíts, 491 Kinds, 4911. Levites, 531 Nethinims, 533 `Tecéps Temple Maintenaace, 53 tive,315 Rices, 316 CHRIST, 491 What TheyTy-1 His Minifters, 491 y'fied, 49z His Members, 494, ualiflca- Whereu s They Lions, 494 were Types, in Apparel, 499 494 their Confecration, 5zo. Miniftration, or Work, s i HOLY
rTranfient, 3z6, as---"*" ij . j Land ofCanaan, 37.6 Ñ Cities ofRefuge, 37.6 M P, Ñ A v)-t. 339 U 3 Time34o Porch, 350 .4; j;, Tabernacle Place 34o Santluary, 35t &Temple, Maçerials 34t ILSpecial Parts, Orac?e, 35i 3 338 - 349 Chambers, 35a .xo tu, Parts.34r,roiz -..',5 Outward, 354 ®w Courts,354Inward + 355 l BurningBulb, orPlace ofGOD's Appearing toMóes, 314. Place whereGo1áppear'd to lema, 32,6 Mount Sinai., 316 Mount of CHR I S T's Transfigtiration, 316 oufe, 344 fCommonParts Foundation,345 Walls, 345 Doors, 347 Windows, 347 Floor, 348 Roof, -348 fOf Natural Neceility, 359 L7ernjalem, 328> Veffels, i L 359 f Wtliout TwoPillars,359 ofBrafs ` Altaròf lSurnt- i &ylpiiil 36o Of,erin7, 364 J Molten Sea,and. tuted, Lavers, 3 5 L 36+0. S I 38g. Within fin the San- Candieftick,. ofGold ftuary,3.0 33b Shewbread, In theHëly of Halita L 400 Table, 394 Veffels forof- fering In- cenfe, 40) ' The A R K, with its ap- pur,enances 406
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