TheGofpel of the perfonal Types. 5 fefiion of his Name ; but it holds chiefly concerning the myftical Body of Chrift : True Believers cannot fall away. (3.) The third Story is the Church triumphant; which is higher than all thefe, and more Excellent than all the Kingdoms in the World, than all the Churches upon Earth. 8. They in the Ark werefafe ; and there was no Safety but in the Ark So in the Church there is Salvation; but noSalvation out of theChurch Salvation is of the Yews, Joh. 4. extra Ecclefiam non elk Salus. ICis always true ofthe myftical Church ; and it is ordinarily true concerning the vifible Church. Yea the Arkwas fafeft when the Waters were higheft. Sea-men have an Expreffion in a Storm, they ufe to with for Sea-room enough. Or we may apply it higher, to Cbrift himfelf, and to his my- jlical Body ; without Chrift there is no Salvation : But as they were fafe in theArk; So whofoever is in Chrift, and a Member of that invifible Society, he is fafe, and Ihall never perith. 9. in the Ark there were bothclean and unclean Beafts : Yet the Rave- noufnefs of their Natures was reftrained for the time, Gen. 7. 2. So in the Church there are both Saints and Hypocrites : Hypocrites are uncleanBeafts. ACham in the Ark ; a 5udas, a Devil inChrift's own Family. - In the vifible Church there be fometimes Wolves within, and Sheep without : Tho' they are Wolves in Sheeps clothing ; for pro- phane Perfons may, and Ihould be kept out ; but clofe Hypocrites can- not. As in the Ark tho' there were ravenous Beafts ; yet their Na- tures were reftrained : So in the Church, inch as are Beafts by nature ;, yet the Corruption of their Natures is reftrained, there is reftraining Grace upon .Hypocrites in the Church, as well as renewing Grace in the Saints, Ifai. II. 6.---9. They (hall not hurt nor defiroy in all my ho- ly Mountain. ro. There iffued out of the Ark aRaven and a Dove, whereof the Dove returned again, but the Raven didnot, Gen. 8. 7, 8, 9. the Raven is an unclean Bird, Levit. i i . 15. a Bird of prey, and a Bird of -darknefs, Ifai. 34. r r. TheDave is a Bird of Light : At the Baptifm of Chrift, the Holy Ghoft defcended on him in the lhape of a Dove, Match. 3. If a Dove go out fromChrift and his Ordinances, it Ihall find no reft till it returns again into the Ark, and be taken in by the Hand of Noah, by the Spirit ofChrift But the Raven goes out of the Ark, and re- turns nomore. And how many Ravens are there in the Church that depart and fall of4 and return no more ? r Yob. 2. 19. they went out from us, becanfe they were not ofus, I.2 You