Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

The Gofpel of the perfonal Types. 77 the World by Water no more : So God is well pleated with Chrift's Sacrifice ;. he is fo pleated with it, that he will be gratious unto Sin-' ners for the fake thereof, fo as not to deftroy them, but fave their Souls. 5. Noah's Covenant, and the Rainbow the fgn thereof, was a Type of the Covenant ofGrace, Gen 9. r 2, 13. It is a queftion whether there was any Rainbow before ? It may feem not : Becaufe it had been .fmall com- fort and afiurance to the new World, to fee that which they had feert before, and to have fuck a lign of the Covenant. Therefore force think . that the Rainbow was not from the beginning : Bat as the Lord gave a new Promife;, fo he created a new thing for a Sign thereof. But how may it appear that the Covenant of Grace confer. on Heb. a4 was here held forth ? See Ifni. 54. 9, ro. This is unto I. , of Noah's me as the Waters of Noah, &c. Ezek. 1. ult. As the ap- Dijpenfation. pearance of' the Bow thatis in the Cloud in the day of Rain : So was the appearance'of the Brightnefs round about Revel. tog i. and 4. 3. ZJfe. From all that bath been Paid of Noah Here is ground of un, fpeakable Comfort to the Church and People ofGod in all their troubles: Af.. flicîions are often compared to deep Waters, Pfalm 42.'7. but God will provide for the fafery of his People, Pfal. i 8. :6,17. hefent from above, he took me, and drewme out of deep Waters, Ifai. 43. z. the Waters fhali not overflow thee. The Rainbow appears when there hath been rainy Weather, the Rainbow in a Cloud in a dayof Rain, Ezek. r, ult. So when theChurch hath been in Floods ofgreat Waters, Chrilf appears with a Rainbow, Revel. io T. And as he promifed there fhall hello more a Flood to deftroy the Earth : So there is a time coming, when there, (hall be no more floods of Perfecution tooverwhelm his Church : l bave_ fivorn I will not be angry with thee, nor rebuke thee any more, lfai.'54. 9, So for.particular Souls that have been overflown with the' Wrath of God, and the Waters have gone over their Soul, there is a time coma ing, when Chrift will appear with a Rainbow about his Head. To fore he gives fuch an inward Seal and Teftimony of their Adoption; that they never lofe it, but carry it in their Bofoms to their dying days keep their A{furance all their days. And tho' I know'it is otherwife with force ofhis Children yet at bit, when they dye and come to Heaven, he will never overflow the Soul any more with his Anger. 4. The fourth perfonal Type we named was Melchizedek ; his Story is in Gen. 14. That he was a Type of Chrift is clear from- Pfal. Ho. 4.. where fpeaking of, and to the Mefab, he faith,. The Lard bath fworw, :boa art a. Prieft for ever after the Order of Melchizedek : As alto , from that, 1