Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

48 The Gofpel of the TelTonal Types. eth usout ofthe Spiritual Bondage of Sin and Satan, which is worfe''ban Egyptian Bondage; and he was fent by his Father, and was content to come down from Heaven, and to leave his Glory to do this Great Work; wherein . Chrift bath the Preheminence. For Mofes was a Mediator only of Temporal and typical Redemption : But Christ is. the Mediator ofSpiritual andEternal` Redemption. By Mofes his Mediation alfo the Lam may delivered upon Mount Sinai, Gal. 3. 19. it ryas ordained in. the Handof a Mediator, or a mid- dle Perfon, that flood :and tranfaaed between God and the People, AIL ' . 38. who received the livelyOracles to give unto us. But 'by Jefus Chrift the Gofpel is publifhed. In this refpe& he is the Mediator of a better Teftament. Mofes gave the moral, judicial and ceremonial Laws. But Chrift reveals the Gofpel and Gofpel-worfhip. Mofes appoints the Paffover,. Sacrifices, builds the. Tabernacle made withHands. But Chrift gives the Lord's Supper, a molt lively Re- prefentation of himfelf and his own Death, the true Sacrifice : And be is himfelf alfo the true Temple and Tabernacle, which the Lord bath pitched, and not Man : So that Chrift bath the Preheminence in all things, inafmuch as Gofpel- worfhip excels legal Worlhip, and Truth and Subftance excels Figures and Shadows. Laftly, Mofes did mediate between God and the People as an In tercefTor by his Prayers and Supplications, and did prevail for them, for the Deftru&ion of Amalek, Exod. 17. And again, when they murmured upon the evil Report of the Spies, Numb. r .. 12, ?3, 20and when they made the molten Calf, Exod. 32. to, 11,14. then with wreftling he prevailed with the Lord for them, Pfal. rob, 23: Mofes flood in the Breach. So doth Chrift intercede, and pleads for us with the Father, when we provoke him by our Sins, t Job. z.. 2,, , yea, he lives ever to intercede, Heb. 7. 25. 2 Mofes his Sufferings and Confiills in the Difcharge of his°Traft, and Exercife of his Office, had in them a Shadow ofthe like to be un- dergone by Chill'. Mofes fafted forty Days and forty. Nights in the Mount. So did in the Wildernefs. Mofe.s fuffered many Contradiëtions both from his Enemies and from his Friends, profeffed Enemies, 7annes and ambres, and theMagicians- f ,Egypt, 2 "Tim. 3, 8. His Friends, the People to whom he was fent reieaect him, Exod. 2. 14. Often murmured at him,' forty Tears he bore theirManners, Adt. 13. 18, yea, his neareft Friends fometimes, Aaron And ` "Miriam. SoCorigwas rejected of the Builders, Pfal. r 18. 22. came to