Bartey Cffthe Water f the e Red.Sea, 157 Bath, b Mea£ure, 378 3 535 Bath-guol, 514 Bees dean and unclean, 23 27 195 283 Believers Typed or Signified, 154 156 215 337 339 357 363 397 Bells on Aaron's Robe, 503 Betbefda-Pool, a Type, 15o Bifliop, 493 530 Blood forbidden, how and why, 28 239 --poured and Sprinkled; the meaning, 200 201 252 253 254 289 309 318 D1 unit by Tartar :, 23 239 Boam,their ufe taught by Nature, 27 Bodies of Saints tender'd by God, 416 Booths, dwelling in them, 424 Brafs, what itfïgnifies, 365 Brazen Serpent a Type, 145 Breaflplate, 5 07 Burning-bulb, 132 326 Burnt Offering, 194 228 33t 525 Burning, the sacrifice, what, 204 .1 7°ABLE, &c. C --His Death pttrebafétb, his Infereefli . app, 5 The Eliesxtent ofhis Death His two Natá res fhadow'd forth, '. 134 148 201 207315 317 356 368 369 443 455 Not feparated byDeath, 2o7 His two States Typed, 315 316 443 452 456 His three Offices fhadow'd forth, 393 His Priefthood typed, 368 369 402 His Adminiftration to pafs away, to fay fo is Blafphemy, 407 Muff not be Divided, 421 His Aftive and Pafliva Righteoufnefs fhadow'd forth, 214 215 272 39S 409 12 His B408 irth, w4hen, 419425 ------His Birth, Baptifm, Age, Death, 419 427 448 449 His Circumcifioa part of his Suffer- ings and Atonement, 181 18-2 200 His PerfeFt Fulnefs, 117 126 144. 152 193 225 263 270 277288 311 317 334 412 513 519 Took our Sinlels Infirmities, 452 495 Howoft hebled for Sinners, 200 A Pria in both Natures, 124 201 316 369 528 A Matadi?, how 104 120 Chri/fmas, t5o 41942643, 432 433 449 462 470 472 And other £uch Times, . the right way of Keeping 'em, 433 Chronologie, or Account 'of Periods, 49 340" 4 Churc30 h, V448 ifible, Militant, Triumphant, 171 35f7 the N. T. Typed by Ifrael, 54 118 161 ByNoah's Ark, 73 By other Things, 54.118 132 17z 198 357 362 390 393 395 396 443 506 5o8 Chriff to be found in it, 132 139 335 Purity preffed, 75 219 232 233 278 285 287 288 295 -297 304.324 3/6 337 342 343 346 347 357 39e-35 397 410422 533 A Place of Light, Safety,: Glory, tic. 75 132 135 136 15o 158 343 344 412 No Salvation out of it, 75 139 Particular,. what 179 The Seat of Worfhip, 198 330 335 336 389 415 .-5-m C41f-molten, 36 439 Intended for a Sign or Type, 53 ----Had a Caufal influence into all their Afiiaions, 39 Call of God, 496 526 532 Canaan Holy and Typical, 31 155 16o 171 180 276 322 326 -Why the Fathers wou'd be buried there. 1So Candles in Churches, 393 CandleflickGolden, 388 Captivities, 40 Cafes of Confcienee, 73 260 264 266 321 Catholick, ufe and abufe of the Word, 493 Cedar, hyffop,and Scarlet, 309 316 317 Cenfer Golden, 401 402 Ce,emonirs, 59 190 197 207 208 277 303 Ceremonial -Law, a Rich Cabinet, 61 Rules give place to Moral, 397 -----Uncleannefs, 260 281 31I Chambers of the Temple, 352 358 Chancels, +3,5o Charibtof the Cherubims, 408 Charity; Vide Alms. Cherubim:, 5-6'66 40841.0 411 Chewvivg the Cud, what, 284 Chittim lignifies the Romans, 116 Chris the 'rccurer of all Blefiings under both Teftaments, 5 7 176 334