Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

114 The Gofpel of the perfonal Types. enough he might live about their Time, or perhaps fomewhat after; That he was a Typeof Chrift, the Scripture is exprefs, Matth. 12.39. No Sign ¡hall be given them, but the Sign of the Prophet Jonah. You may fee how the Type fits the Antitype in four Refpe&s. 1. In his Death ; he offered himfeif willingly-unto Death to afl'wage the Storm, Yonah 1. and fo he is caft into the Sea, and devoured by the Whale. So did Chris, to appeafe the Tempeft of God's Wrath. And as upon Yonah's being caft into the Sea, the Sea ceafed from its raging, cap. t. 15. and the Seamen were Paved from drowning. So upon Chrift's Death, God's Wrath is pacified, and Believers faved from the Wrath to come. 5onah had fore Conflias, and inward Agonies of Spirit, when he was under that Shadow of Death in the Whale's Belly, cap. 2. So had Chrift when he cried, My God my God. why haft thou forfaken me ! there were unutterable Anguifhes in his Soul, thofe *Ayrrvclx rta8íivau, unknown, unconceivable Sufferings in his Soul. 2. He was a Type of Chrift in bis Burial. For, look, as íonah was buried in the Belly of the Whale three Days and three Nights : So was Chrift in the Belly of the Earth the fame fpace, Matth. 12.40. 3. In his Refiwrelyion. For, look, as yonah overcame all the Dan- gers he was in, and came forth again alive out of the Whales Belly. So did Chrift out of the Grave within three Days. fonah overcame greater Enemies, even the Power of Satan, Death and Hell ; and Upon this fang Praife to God, cap. 2. So did Chrift triumph , Oh Death, where is thy Sting ? Oh Grave, where is thy Odor)? Hof. a 3. 14. and Pfal. 22, 22, 23, 25. and Pfal. 18. 48, 49. q.. In, bis Preaching after his Refurreílion. For, look, as Yonah after his Refurrecîion preached Repentance to the Ninevites, and that with great Succefs and Efficacy ; for they did repent upon his Preaching, the whole Body of them with an outward Repentance ; and many of them doubtlefs with a true and faving Repentance : And fo were fa- ved both from that prefent Temporal Deftruffion, and from eternal Damnation : And 7enah did Preach to the Ifraelites alfo, as well as to the Ninevites, 2 Kings 14. 25. but which was firft theScripture Both not exprefs. So Chrift, when rifen from the Dead, fent his Spirit, and Preached by his Spirit in his Apofties and Minifters ; and not only to the yews, but to the Gentiles, filch as thofe Ninevites, to the Con. verfion and Salvation of Multitudes of them, as was foretold of him, Pfal.22. 22. and to the deeper Condemnation of Unbelievers, Matth. 12. 41. becaufc agreater than Jonas is here, .}. The