120 The Gofpel oftheperfonal Types. There were two degrees of it ; Either for a certain time or during a Man's whole Life. Of Perfons that were Nazarites all their Days, the Scripturegiveth force very great and eminent Initances ; as Samfon, Judg. 13, 5 alfo Samuel the Prophet, i Sam. 1. a 1. alfo Yob's the Baptift, Luke I. 15, OfPerfons under the Vow of Nazaritefhip only for tome certain time, we have Inftance in Paul the Apoftle, As 18. 18. and again, As 21.23, 24. How long they were to be under the Vow, the Scripture limits not. The fewifh Writers report, that one Month was the fhorteft timein ufe amongft them. This Order fhadowed forth fundry Things relating, 1. ToChrift himfelf. 2. To the Members of Chrift. 3. To the Benefits of Chrift. The Nazarites were, Types of Chriîb himfelf ; not that Chrift hin Pelf was a Nazarite according to the Law, but only in the Spirit and Truth of this Type. That he was not a Naz.arite literally, is clear ; becaufe he drank Wine; as at other times, fo at his lait Sup- per, which They might not do. But in him this Type was fulfilled in two Refpeas. 1. In regard ofhis itfuál Name and Title, Yefiis of Nazareth, or fefus the Nazarite, Matth. z. ult. John 19.19. Thus he was ufually called, which the Yews would never have done ; but that by the Providence of God he had had lived in that Place. In which difpofal of Provi- dence, altius fuit Dei Confilium ; is Calvin in Mat., z. God had a further Defgn and Counfel'than they were aware of, who from thence called him by that Name : Which, though it was given him upon another Occalion by the Yews, namely, from the Place of his ß efidence ; yet God in his infinite Wifdom did fo contrive and order it, that by this means he fhould be commonly called by the Name of this Religious Order. See Matth. 2. ult. where theEvangelift tells us, that by this means of Chrift's living in Nazareth, was fulfilled, that which was fpoken by the Prophets, namely, that he fhould be called a Nazaren By the Prophets is meant thole Prophets, that wrote the Book of fudges ; and the Place intended, is judges 13. 5. as Calvin. fromMar- tin Bucer judgeth. It is tree indeed, the Words there are fpokenof Samfon literally ; but intended myftically of the Meffiah, of whom both Samfn, and all the .Nazarites were Types. It is true, there is force literal Difference between