124 The Gofpel of the perfondl Types. acarnal Commandment, but after the Power of everlafling Life, Heb.7 16. The Difparity between Chrift and thefe typical Priefis was manitold. I shall inftance in a few Particulars I. Theirs was but the Shadow : Chrift the true Sacrifice, and true Reconciliation with God. 2. They offered Sacrifice firft for their own Sins But Chrift bad no Sins of his own, to offer for, and to make Satisfa&ion for, Heb. 7.27. 3. All thofe Priefts of Old, even Melchizedek himfelf, they were but Priests ; they were not both Prieff, Altar and Sacrifice. But Chrí a is all three. He is Prie.£l as God-man. He is the Altar in regard ofhis Divine Nature : For this is that whichfanftiftes the Gift, and makes the Sacrifice fo infinitely efficacious and meritorious. And Chrift himfelf is alio the Sacrifice in regard of' his Humane Nature : His Humane ature fuffered Death, and fo was offered up as a Sacrifice unto God or us. Thus in all things Chrift bath the Preheminence. 1 might alfo chew, how all the Saints are Priefis. He bath made tes _Kings and Priefis unto our God, Rev. r. But there will be occafion to (peak further of the Priefihood, when we come to the Temple and the Temple Míni¡lry. 6. A fixth Religious Order was their Kings of the Houfe ofDavid. It is true, Magifiracy is a civil Ordinance belonging to the fecond Ta. ble : But yet, as God was pleated to annex a typical Refpett unto the 'Sabbath, which is in it felf a moral Duty; and unto Adam's Marriage with Eve, which was a Civil Relation : So he did unto Magifiracy or Kingfhip, as ftated and fettled amongff that People. Hence as in the Bufinefs of Marriage, and of the Sabbath, the things themfelves are not abolifhed, but only the typical Refpells are taken off: , So here, Kingíhip as amongft themwas both a Civil and a Religions Order. Non dubium eh, gain cceleftis pater in Davide ejnfque pofleris confpici voluerit vivam Chrifti ima,inem, Calvin. Inftitut. 1. 2. cap. 6 felt. 2. d3' cap. 7. fell. 2. See the Analogy in three Things. r. In their Inauguration; they were anointed withholy Oil, Pfal. Sg. 20. with mine holy Oil have I anointed him. This typified the Gifts and Graces of the Spirit ; the Spirit of Government, .Ails to, 38. how God anointedefus of Nazareth with the Hely Ghoft, which Cbrift received above bis Pellows,Pfal..4.5.7.not by Meafure,but above Meafure, john3.34 2. The Lord fettled the Kingdom by an everlafling Covenant in a perpetual Series and Succeflïon of Perlons in the Houfe of David. So with Cbrirt, he hath made an e7:eclafting Covenant, that his Kingdom ¡hall endure - for ever, Ifa. 9. 7, of the increafe of. his Government and Peace, therelima be no end.. 3. The