Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

The Go,feel of the perfonal Types. If 2 3. The moral Work and Duty of their Qb'cehad alfo a typical Ufe, to fbadow forth, what Chrift doth fpiritully in and for his Church. r. They made Lams for the People of Jfrael ; tho' they did it Hill in Subordination to, and purfuance of the Laws of God, as all Magifrates ought todo, not in Oppofition to them : So Chrift is the Law -giver of his Church, Ifa. 33. 22. the Lord is our yudge, our King, our Law- giver. 2. They fubdued the Enemies of Ifrael : So did David the Philiflines, the Moabites, &c. So cloth Chrilt fubdue and tread down the Church's Enemies. 3. It was their work to execute Vengeance upon Rebels; as Solomo; the peaceful King, did on loab, Adonijah, Shimei. So loth Chrilt, the Prince of Peace, on Unbelievers and Hypocrites in the Church. This King will fay, Bring forth thefe mine Enemies, and flay them before my Face. Yet there was a great Difparity between.Chrif and thofe Kings. His Kingdom is Spiritual,his Government infinitely better u see be EelgickAn- than theirs was. Some underhand and render 2 Sam. See ,7s. 23. 3. 5. to this Purpofe, There fhatl be a Ruler over Men, a Righteous one, ruling in the Fear of God--Although as yet be make him not to fpring up; From the whole. Vfe r. See the V marrantablenef of reviving religious Orders under the New..Tefáament. It falls heavy upon the Papifis, wno have their Reli- gious (as they call them, but indeed Superftitious ) Orders. Their ,Monks, Nuns, Fryars, &c. for which they pretend the jewifh Order of Nazarites, But this was a Type : And therefore to revive it, is incon- liftent with the Truth of the Gofpel; it is as if they fhould fly, there is a Meilidh yet to come, who will be juft like a Monk or a Fryar; but what horrible Blafphemy is this ! Betides, there was a Command, an Inflitution from God for the Order of Nazarites; but there is not fo for Popp) Orders. And which is obfervable, in all the Nut=s, Ceremo- nies and Burdens of thofe legal Times, the Lord never refl:awed Mar- riage from any ; but all forts, Priefts, Prophets, Nazarites. were wont to marry, which the Popiíh Orders vow again!, which the Apoftle deferuedly calls a Doctrine of Devils, r Tim. 4. r, 2, 3. Object. But fome of thefe Orders are not ceafed : For there be Firfi born in every Nation, and Magiflracy or Civil Government. Anfvv. It's true : But therefore fotne of r hefe Orders were of a mixt Nature; there was fomething moral, and fomething ceremonial in then, as was (hewed before in David's KIngdotiii That which ismord re- mains