TheGofpel of the occaional Types. 137 April 16. 1668<. Cor. X. I r. Iváw an thefe 'Things happened unto them for Enfamples : And they are written for our Admonition, upon whom the Ends of the World are come. 1 Fourth typical Thing among them of old was their Manna, or Bread from Heaven. And a fifth was the Rock that followed them, andgave them Water. Here was fpiritual Meat and fpiritual Drink. Of thefe two, the Lord affifting at this time. They are both men- tioned above, ver. 3.4. of this Chapter ; And they did all eat the fame fpiritual Meat, and did all drink the fame fpiritual Drink : For they drank of that fpiritual Rock thatfollowed them, and that Rock was Chrift. The fourth, I fay, was the Manna, or the Bread that came from Heaven ; the Hiftory whereof we have in Exod. 16. 14, 15. Beholdup- on the Face of the Wildernefs there lay afmall round thing, as [mall as the boar Frofi on the Ground And Mofes [aid unto them, this is the Bread which the Lord bath givenyou to eat. Which that it was indeed a Type, and that the Truth and Myftery of it was Chrift himfelf, as the Bread of Life, and the Food of our Souls, Chrift himfelf aflùres us in yoh. 6. 32. Verily, verily 1 fay unto you, Mofes gave you not that Breadfrom .Heaven, but my Father giveth you the true Bread from Heaven. And ver. 48. 1 am that Bread of Life. And ver. 5r. 1 am the living Bread which came down from Heaven : And fo the Apoftle a little before the Text inftanceth in this, i Cor. to. 3. They did all eat the fame liritu= al Meat. This then was the general Scope of it, to hold forthChrift as the Food ofour Souls. But now to let you fee a little more particularly the excellent Cor- refpondence between the 'Type and the Antitype, the clear and full A- nalogy that is between the Shadow and the Truth prefigured by it. You may difcern it in thefe five Particulars. r This Manna was a Portion prepared of God, and given down from Heaven to an unworthy murmuring rebellious People When the Children ofIfrael ftrft faw it, they Paid one to another, It is Manna ; for they will what it was, Exod. 16. 15. This WordManna, your Margent tells you, may be rendred what is this ? or, it is a Portion, a prepared or diftributed Portion, from the Verb ruo numerate, and in piel run pr eparavit ; becaufe God prepared and diftributed it among them, and it was ready to their Hand, to be eaten as they found it ; tho' they might alfo bake it, if they would. TheHebrew Word Manna is re ît tamed