Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

138 Tbe ofpel of the occ4oiial Types. tained in the New Teffament in the Greek, Yohn 6. 3 t. and from thence in our own and other Languages. There is another thing known by the fame Name, which Writers fay, is a Syriack Dew ; but it will neither melt with the Sun, nor putrile in the Night ; nor is it fit for .Food but for Phyfick only : So it differs wholly from this Hebrew Manna whereof we fpeak , God did in a miraculous way rails down this Manna from Heaven, Pfal. 18. 23, 24. He commanded the Clouds from abo7r ; and opened the Doors of Heaven, and rained down Manna upon them, andgave them ofthe Corn of Heaven. And this with - out ani Care or Pains, or 1nduftry of theirs ; a Food which they nei. tiler fowed nor laboured for, but had it for the taking up. And this he did for an unworthy, murmuring, fitful People, when they were in a molt rebellious Frame ; when they were murmuring, and faid, Exod. 16. 3. Would to God we had died in the Land of Egypt, when we fate by the Flefh-pots. Hereupon the Lord promifeth, ver. g. I will rain Bread fromHeaven for them. So is ChriFt a Portion, and a Food prepared for every hungry Soul and he came down from Heaven, and is fent and given of God even to rebellious Sinners : He gave Gifts to Men, even to the Rebellious,, Pfal. 68. i$. 2. This Manna was outwardly and feemingly defpicable and contempti- ble ; yet indeed the choiceft Food, and rho,% excellent in all Refpeäs, both as to Colour and Figure, Tafle and life. It was but a little thing in Quantity, Exod. 16.14 yet it is called Angels Food, Pfal. 78. 25.. Men did eat Angels Food. The Figure of it round, Exod. 16.31.. like Goriander Seed, which Philofophers note to be the heft and moll perfeh Figure. The Colour white, ibid. and Numb. r T. 7. like to the Colour of Medium. The Tafle fweet , like frefh Oil , or Wafers . baked with Honey, Numb. 11. 7. And it fuftained fix hundred thou- Lind fighting Men, Betides Women and Children. They might eat it either as they found it, or grind and bake it, Numb. s s. 8. `let the Murmurers loathed it, and grew weary of it, Numb. s 1.6. they cal-, fed it, this light Bread, Numb. 21. 5. for which they were deffroyed. In like manner 7efus Chriff, as to his outward Appearance is defpi- cable and contemptible, and defpifed by the World, Ifa. 53. 2, 3. though in himfelf moll precious and excellent, Cant. 5. ult, a; Pet. 2. 7: to you that believe he is precious. Ch riff in the Promi-fes and Ordi nances is precious to the Spiritual Tafle, r Pet. 2. 3. iffo beyou have tafed that the Lord isgracious- andtweeter than the Honey or Honey-comb, ral. r19. 1o3<. Their grinding and baking the Manna fame apply to,. :tie. Sufferings of Clkrilt, whereby he was prepared to be . unto us the Bread,