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. 146 The Gofpel of the occafional Types. 1. That Satan is indeed the Old Serpent. 2. That he is a fiery Serpent. 3. That Sin is the Sting of this Serpent. 4. This Sting ofSin is painful and deadly. 5. The LordPuffers thofe molt of all to be tormented and plagued by it, who defpife Manna as a light Food. I. That Satan is indeed the whole Serpent. For this, the Scripture is exprefs, Rev. 12. 9. He is fo reprefented in Prophetical and Typical Scriptures, both becaufe that was the firft Shape wherein he did ap. pear as a Devil in tempting and deftroying our firft Parents ; and for the fubtilty and venome of that Beaft, and the Curfe infiieìed upon him in that Appearance. In darker Places, as amongft the Pagans of old, and amongft the Americans of late ; he hath delighted to appear unto them in that Shape of a Serpent : Therefore the Pagan Temples were wont tobe haunted with Serpents, infomuch that it grew into a Phrafe ofSpeech amongft them, Sacer angntis. 2. The Devils are fitly called Seraphims, or fiery burning Serpents. The Serpents wherewith they were ftung in that Wildernefs were filch, Deut. 15. The Prophet Ifaiah fpeaks of fiery flying Serpents, Ifa. 14.29. and 3o. 6. The Word is t>>nitv1 =lwri t banechafhim bafera- phim, Serpents burners, Numb.a is 6. or burnsng Serpents. The Root is ]ltts urere. The Name Serapis, that Egyptian Idol may be derived from hence. Some derive from the Hebrew Saraph by Inverfion of Letters, the Greek Word 5rpnc e, which lignifies a kind of venomous Serpent, which is alit called Dipfas and Caufon, with which he that is bitten is tormented with fach a burning Heat and Thirft, Diafcor. 1. 6. cap. 38. that though he drink never fo much, his Thirft and 40. apud Ainfw. will not be quencht or fatisfied And the Bitings in loc. of thefe Serpents were left off by themolt ancient Phyficians as altogether incurable. They are alto fitly called fiery Serpents from their Colour. For they had a íhining and glittering Skin, as if it had been made of Fire. And we fee it in our ordinary Snakes that feem to (bine and fparkle againft the Sun. So Taylor on the Types, pag.'305. Satan is fitly fo called, as being a Serpent of the worft kind, a molt terrible and deadly Serpent, Hence he is elfewhere compared to agreat red Dragon, Rev.12. upon the fame Account as here to afierySerpent, becaufe he is fuck a dread- ful Enemy. This Name Seraphim that is here ufed, is applied to the Holy Angels, Ifa. 6.2. For the fpiritual Brightnefs; and burningHeat and Zeal, and Love to God, that is in thofe Bleffed Spirits, thofe pure .Flames. He bath made bis Angels Spirits, and his .ifrlinifters a Flame of Fire