148 The Gofpel cfthe occafional Types. Now for the Remedy, The BrazenSerpent. That Cbràft is this Bra- zen Serpent, himfelf declares, yob. 4. 14. 1. It was made of Brafs, and in the Shape and Form of a Serpent, yet not a real Serpent. It was not tradeofGod, but only of Brafs ; which tho' it be a ftrong and bright Mettal, yet was contemptible in outward appearance, and moft unlikely to have attained fuch an End, to Work inch a Cure. So is Chrift Strongand Mighty, and bright and Glorious, Rev. r. 15, 16. The brightnefs ofhis Fathers Glory, Heb. 1.3. Yet a Man' and the Son ofAlan; Therefore low and mean in his outward Appea- rance, and defpifed of the World. Chrift Crucified is to the yews a Rumbling Block, and to the Greeks foolifhnefs ; but to them that are Saved, the W;fdom ofGod and the Power of God, r Cor. I. 23, a4. Yea he conde- fcended toappear in the fimilitude offinful Flefh ; for fo the Apoftle molt accurately expreffeth it, Rom. 8.3. He was counted a Sinner, but he was indeed without Sin, Heb. 4. 15. As this Brazen Serpent was like a Serpent, yet had neither Venom nor Sting ; fo Chrift appeared like a (inner. He came in the likenefs of finful Flefh and yet knew no Sin, 2 Cor. 5. 21. But tho' he was not finful, yet he was indeed under the Curie due to Sin, as the Serpent was curfed, Gen. 3. So Chrift became a Curfe for us, Gal. 3. r 3. 2. This Brazen Serpent was a Remedy and a Cure provided of God, in meer Grate and fovereignMercy, for ungrateful and unworthy Rebels, when fome ofthem were Stung to Death, and ready toPerish for their Contempt of Manna ; and others of themwere dead, and gone, and paft recovery for the fame Sin. It was against the Merit of their Mur- murings, when they fpake against him, and against Mofes. In like Manner doth God give his Yefus Chrift of free and meer Grace, when we were Enemies, without and against our Merit ; when fo great a part of Mankind perifheth without him in their own Rebellions, and especially for their Contempt of the Gofpel, Job. 3. 16. God fo loved k'be World, (it was a molt intenfe Love), to givehis only begotten Son, that wbofoever believeth on him might not Perifla, but have Eternal Life. 3. The Serpent muff be lifted up upon a Pole, Numb. 21. That all Ifrael might fee it, whether near or further off : So Chrift was Iifted up, Joh. 3 14. As Mofes lifted up the Serpent in the Wildernefs, even fo muff the Son of Man be lifted up : That is, upon the Crois-- Joh. /2. 32 33. And1, if I be lifted up from the Earth, will draw all Men unto me. This be fpake, fgnifring what Deatb he fhonid die. And Chrift is lifted up in the Preachingof the Gofpel, in the fight of all Men, Gal. 3. I. Before wbfre Eyes fefus Chrift hatb been evidently fit forth, crucified among you. Bath to tbofe that are near and far off, Ephef 2. 17. 4 This