Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

162 The Gofpel of the occafi'onal Types. pie ofGod. Which Curfe was not in vain, I Kings 16. 34 This Teems to have had a further meaning, to hold forth the irreparable Ruines, and everlafting Deftru&ion of all the implacable Enemies of God and his Pleople, and efpecially Rome and Antichrift, which is to perifh like a Milftone caft into the Sea, never to rife more, Rev. 18. Vid. on Jo(hua among This Curfe ofofhua, will come upon all filch as Vi on Joil ua A attempt to Rebuild Rome and reítore Popery, when the Lord hath caft it down. 4. Edom, and Bozra the chief City thereof, that is, Italy and Rome : Therefore the fame Expreffions which belong to Babylon, and are fpi- ritually underftood of Rome, Ifa, 13, 19, 21. are alto ufed concerning .Edom, Ifa. 34.1 r .----and ver. 4. The ruine of Idumea is fet forth with Expreffions like unto thofe, Rev. 6. 1 2, 13. The Land fhall become burning Pitch, ver. 9. 10. the meaning is, dreadful Vengeance, hideous Indignation, Ifa. 63. 1. Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed Garments from Bozra ? Chrift is there fet forth as cloathed with Gar- inents, dipt in the Blood of his Enemies. 18 5. Babylon. For this the Scripture is exprefs, Rev. 17. 5. and ver. From all which we fhould learn both to know and to take heed of Antichrifi, Peeing the Lord fo many ways declared, and forefignified him unto us. Shall we lookback towardSodom ? Remember Lot's Wife. Shall we return into Egypt again ? Shall we Rebuild Yericho ? Would we be found in Bozra or Babylon, in the Day of theLord's Fury ? 2. Types of Hell. For as they had Types of Heaven and fpiritual Glory ; fo they had likewife of Hell and fpiritual Torment and Mife- ry. They had all things taught and reprefented to them, by things outward and vifible. And the vifibleExpreflions of Divine Vengeance upon Wicked Men of Old, led the People of God further to fee and take notice of that Eternal Wrath that is to come. I fhall inftance therefore in four Prefigurations of Hell. r. The Deluge, or DeftruOion of the Old World by Water. The Apo- ftleparallels this and the Deftruâion that (hall be by Fire at the great Day together, 2 Pet. 3.6, 7. Hence Hell is called in the Old Tefta- ment 1=1N,n1 t ip Ouahal rephaim Ccctus Gigantum. Prov. 2r. 16. Prov, 2. 18. Ifa. 14.9, 10. It ftirreth up the Rephaims for thee. God that bath overthrown the Gyants ofthe old World, and call them upon their Backs in Hell ; Thofe Men of Renown are now roaring and wailing under the Watets, as the vulgar Latin reads that Place, fob 2-6. 5, 6. Gigantes germait fNb Aquis ; he who bath conquered thofe Gigantine Sinners, who were ctlt down with a Floods as 7o1) 22. 16. He is able to