164 The Gofpel ofthe occafional Types. during the time of the fondTemple : The forementioned Grounds and Occafions of the 'Name, being not till about that time in being, and accordingly the Name is tobe found in the Yewifh Writers of that Time : And was ufed by our Saviour as a Name then vulgarly known among Mede Difc. y. pag. 41. the hems. You fee, then what Types of Hell they had under theOld Tefta- ment, namely the Deluge, Sodom, Egypt, and Tophet. You have heard alfo that they had five Types of Rome, to wit, Sodom, Egypt, 5ericbo, Edom, and Babylon. Thefe were typical Prefignifications of Gofpel- Enemies, and Gofpel - Vengeance. And now I have gone through thefe Occafonal Types, whether Things or Allions, whether typical Mercies, or typical Vengeance. That which next remains, is thofe Perpetual 'landingTypes which the Scrip, Cure calls Everlafling Statutes. For betides thefe Occa /lonalTypesy which were exhibited in a tranuent way, and did exift but foea time ; they had alfo other Types, that were of a more enduring Nature, and did con- tinue to the end of that Old Teftament-Difpenfation, namely, the whole Ceremonial Law, whereof. we (hall fpeak hereafter, the Lord ail. fitting. THE